My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1249: It hurts here! not hands

Chapter 1249 It hurts here! not hands

 She believed what Nangong Luo said because there was no need for Nangong Luo to deceive her.

 But it was precisely because of these words that she was shaken, and she felt a little uncomfortable inside.

Holding her cheeks with both hands and catching a glimpse of her daughter on the bed, she couldn't help but think about...

Looking at Mrs. Nangong's partiality towards Nangong Yu, I heard Nangong Luo say that the Nangong family cares about their granddaughter. If Nangong Luo makes the matter clear, can the Nangong family accept the blow of losing their granddaughter?

This was not a loss that she should have considered, but even though she could hide it from others, she could not let herself forget that Nangong Luo's blood was still flowing in her daughter's body.

Gong Qianli stood by the bed, staring at her daughter in trance.

Nangong Luo stood at the door and stared at her in trance.

Xiao Yu'er slowly opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was a reassuringly familiar face. She called out: "Mommy."

Gong Qianli quickly woke up from her fugue.

"Yu'er, are you awake? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

 She looked at her daughter carefully, and she expressed concern for her daughter every time she opened or closed her mouth.

Nangong Luo, who was watching the whole process, suddenly felt a little bit disgusted.

It is true that he likes Xiao Yu'er very much, but every time he sees Gong Qianli's meticulous care for Xiao Yu'er, he will remember the man who once got Gong Qianli.

He thought to himself, if he were allowed to see that man, he might be tempted to kill!

 But reality told him that that was impossible.

Nangong Luo's main thing now is to compete for performance in front of Gong Qianli.

Before Gong Qianli could react, he lifted the thermos bucket containing rice porridge on the table to the bedside and deliberately sat down opposite Gong Qianli.

“Xiao Yuer, are you hungry after sleeping for so long? Uncle, there is porridge here, do you want to try it?” Nangong Luo raised the thermos bucket in his hand.

Xiao Yuer blinked. She first asked Gong Qianli with her expression. When Gong Qianli nodded, she smiled at Nangong Luo and happily accepted the food.

Nangong Luo is really curious!

How could someone as careless and careless as Gong Qianli, who couldn't even take care of himself, raise such a considerate, sensible, and sweet daughter?

“Liu Li, Xiao Yu’er listens to you too much.”

"Of course, Yu'er is my daughter!" Gong Qianli felt proud when she mentioned her daughter.

 She was even more happy when she heard other people's praises for her daughter.

Nangong Luo opened the lid for her and filled half of it in a small bowl.

 He ​​held a small bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other hand to scoop out a spoonful of rice porridge and handed it over. Xiao Yuer opened her mouth and swallowed it, chewing it slowly.

After swallowing this mouthful, Xiao Yu'er said: "Uncle, Yu'er can eat by herself."

"Xiao Yu'er is a patient now. You should have a good rest. You don't have to do anything. Uncle can just feed you."

Xiao Yuer pointed to her head, "It hurts here, not my hand."

 The main point for Xiao Yuer is to show that her hands are healthy and she can eat by herself.

 It was just these words that made the two adults guarding her feel very pity, because they were more focused on Xiao Yu'er's wounds.

Nangong Luo insisted on feeding him, so Xiao Yuer felt free to enjoy the service.

With a short manner, eating a soft mouth, Xiao Yuer couldn't touch the mouth: "Mommy, my uncle said she wants to protect you."

"Well...because we are friends, and friends protect each other."

 “That’s not right?”

 “What’s wrong…”

“Uncle said he wants to be Yu’er’s daddy.”

 “Cough cough cough…”

 (End of this chapter)

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