My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1251: Drive Nangong Yu out of the house

Chapter 1251: Expelling Nangong Yu from the house

Mrs. Nangong was still angry and had a cold face in the living room.

It happened that Nangong Luo returned home at this time and was still struggling with how to confess to Mrs. Nangong.

“Mom, I have something to tell you.”

Mrs. Nangong still frowned when she raised her eyes, "Say."

Nangong Luo saw that she didn't look well, so he first cared about her health, "Mom, what's wrong with you? You don't look good."

As soon as she mentioned it, Mrs. Nangong couldn't help but sigh, "You're not a good daughter! Just because Zhong Yun had something urgent to deal with and couldn't take her out to play, she started smashing things. She really has no education at all! What if this happened? If word gets out, my Nangong family will lose all face by her."

He couldn't stop chatting as soon as he started, "I really don't know what to do to make that child correct. I even wonder if someone in our family has done something wrong to make Nangong Yu so rebellious!"

But I just thought that Nangong Yu was the blood of the Nangong family. He could not be beaten or abandoned. No matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only protect him. This is what worries Mrs. Nangong the most!

If everyone was as cute as Xiao Yu'er, it would definitely make people reluctant to let go, but if it is not their biological child, who would want to deal with a naughty child like Nangong Yu.

Nangong Luo listened quietly to Mrs. Nangong's venting, and suddenly he became unkindly happy.

 It seems that Nangong Yu's failure to live up to her expectations made everyone in the Nangong family disappointed with her.

 “Mom, I want to tell you something.”

"you say."

 “Before I speak, I would like to ask a few questions.”

 “Tsk, what’s going on with you kid today? If you have anything to say, just say it!” The hesitant manner was not like Nangong Luo’s character.

Nangong Luo nodded and asked tentatively: "What would you do if Nangong Yu was not a child of the Nangong family?"

"If she wasn't, I would really..." Mrs. Nangong's words were naturally a little more angry, "If she wasn't, I would be really happy."

But regardless of whether this is true or not, at least Nangong Luo has taken it seriously.

“Mom, I want to tell you a truth that has been hidden for four years.”

Hearing these words, Madam Nangong’s heart rang with alarm bells, “What do you mean?”

Nangong Luo hesitated for a moment, but he still told the truth without hesitation, "Actually, Nangong Yu is not my daughter."


“Nangong Yu is the daughter of Zhong Yun and someone else, not from my Nangong family.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Nangong’s first reaction was to ask: “Are you saying that Zhong Yun cheated on you?”

Nangong Luo shook his head, "No, please be patient and listen to me explain to you..."

Nangong Luo took Mrs. Nangong to live with her and told the whole story of what happened four years ago.

Mrs. Nangong was speechless for a long time after hearing her son's story about the past.

 It’s so surprising that it’s almost unbelievable.

"Luo'er... you're not kidding me, are you?"

 “These are the facts.”

Mrs. Nangong leaned back, looked up at the sky, and was lost in thought for a long time.

“As you said, your marriage to Zhong Yun is fake, so the bloodline of my Nangong family... is also fake?

“I’m sorry, it was Luoer who was unfilial and deceived you.”

"Nangong Luo! Do you know what you are doing! How heavy the responsibility is on your shoulders, and you actually made such an agreement with someone. Why did you suddenly make it clear, is it because of Liuli?"


“If Liuli doesn’t return to China, will you never tell us the truth?”

“No, Nangong Yu must leave the Nangong family.”

 (End of this chapter)

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