My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1253: Zhong Yun angered the old man

Chapter 1253 Zhong Yun angers the old man

“Yu’er, can you tell me what kind of image you want for your father?”

Nangong Yu thought for a while and said, "He will buy me things, he won't scold me, and he can play with me."

  She mentioned three points in a row, all based on what she thought.

Nangong Luo didn't know how to face this child, but he really couldn't dote on Nangong Yu.

“Then I hope you can meet the father you want in the future and give you the fatherly love you deserve.”

Some of these words are okay. Nangong Yu tilted his head and asked: "Dad, what are you mumbling about?"

Nangong Luo touched her head and finally showed mercy, planning to wait until Zhong Yun went to explain these things to her daughter.

But he didn't know that Zhong Yun came back while he was talking to Mrs. Nangong, eavesdropped on a few words and then turned around and left.

 Zhong Yun left with anger and unwillingness.

 She did not go anywhere else, but to the place where Mr. Nangong was training.

 At this time, the old man happened to be having a meal.

"The food was cooked well today. It's time to give our great chef a raise!" Mr. Nangong is not a rigid person. When he is happy, he will also joke with those who take care of his daily life and gossip about home affairs. of.

 But at such a warm and peaceful moment, Zhong Yun broke in.

Even though Mr. Nangong is confused, everyone else still recognizes that this is the nominal young lady of the Nangong family, so they are not defensive about Zhong Yun.

Zhong Yun came to the dining table alone and signaled others to leave temporarily, then she saw the old man.

 “Grandpa, you are eating.”

Zhong Yun's voice caught the old man's attention. The old man looked up and then frowned, "Why is it you again?"

Zhong Yun smiled and said, "Grandpa, what happened before was a misunderstanding. I came today just to have a calm talk with grandpa and explain the misunderstanding clearly."

"Misunderstanding?" The old man took a sip of warm water, "I don't think it's a misunderstanding. You'd better go."

Of course Zhong Yun will not leave.

She lowered her head and rummaged through her bag, took out a red notebook and handed it to the old man, "Grandpa, please read the relationship between the characters clearly. I am your grandson-in-law."

Mr. Nangong picked up the red book and looked at it carefully, his brows furrowed even deeper.

Just when Zhong Yun thought that Mr. Nangong had doubted and believed it, the old man suddenly threw the red book on the table and dismissed it, "You want to bully the old man because I am too old to see clearly, so you want to use a fake thing to deal with me?"

Zhong Yun didn’t expect this to be the case at all? ? !

She was unwilling to give in. "If grandpa doesn't believe it, you can call everyone in the family and ask. My words alone are not trustworthy. There are people in this family who are looking after you. Everyone's words must be the truth."

Zhong Yun came here today to confirm her identity, so she called a few people outside to ask questions and asked them to answer them one by one.

Those people are hesitant and hesitant, and such expressions have betrayed the truth.

 The old man's head is dizzy.

"Here, what is going on? Who is my grandson-in-law? Isn't the young lady of the Nangong family Gong Qianli?"

 The old man's mood fluctuated.

His dedicated herbal chef really didn’t want to hide it anymore, so he told the truth.

 The old man fainted without even lifting it up.

【Yu'er's identity is about to be exposed, let Zhong Yun see what it means to shoot oneself in the foot】



 (End of this chapter)

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