My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1266: Don't hit me, my daughter is still there

Chapter 1266 Don’t fight, my daughter is still there

Gong Qianli looked down at her daughter and asked doubtfully, "Why don't you leave?"

Xiao Yuer tugged her hand and replied coyly: "He's not here yet."

"He?" Gong Qianli reacted instantly. The "he" in Xiao Yu'er's mouth was Nan Gongluo.

It turns out that in just half a month, Xiao Yu'er has become accustomed to Nangong Luo?

“Yu’er, did you drag me to stay because you wanted to wait for him?”

“…” Xiao Yuer was silent and slowly lowered her head, looking a little disappointed.

Gong Qianli naturally couldn't bear to make her daughter sad.

  Reaching out her hand to touch her daughter's head, she also sighed, "Actually, Yu'er likes him very much, right?"


“Huh? Mommy said that children can’t lie.”

"..." Xiao Yu'er hesitated for a moment, but as a good child, she finally expressed her feelings by nodding.

Gong Qianli understands.

“He had already called Mommy specifically to tell her that he couldn’t come today.”


“He is the big boss, and a big boss has to do a lot of work. Maybe he can’t leave until today’s task is completed.”

“Is it like Xiao Yu’er’s homework must be completed every day without procrastination?”

 “Uh…” Although this metaphor is a bit weird, it’s fine if the child can understand it.

Gong Qianli nodded, "Yes, he also said that he would come and apologize to Yu'er after the work is completed."

Xiao Yu'er asked in confusion: "Why should I apologize to Yu'er?"

Gong Qianli explained patiently, "Because he said he didn't come to Yu'er to report today, and he felt very sorry.

 Xiao Yu'er shook her head and said, "Yu'er is not angry."

Gong Qianli asked: "So?"

Xiao Yuer answered honestly: "So there is no need to apologize."

“Okay, don’t worry about this matter. Tomorrow is the weekend. Does Yu’er want to go somewhere?”

“Brother Feng and sister Ruo have invited Yu’er to play.”

“Well, you abandoned mommy after you had your brother and sister.”

 “Yu’er doesn’t have it.”

“Okay, I know you are good, mommy will send you there tomorrow.”

 “Thank you, Mommy.”

 “You’re welcome, honey.” Gong Qianli still supported the children to play together.

 The next day she sent Xiao Yu'er there, but when she arrived at Ye's house, she found that the two adults, Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei, were not there, and had taken away the two children.

Gong Qianli suddenly felt the words "The building is empty" floating above her head.

"What's going on, Yu'er, did you remember it wrong? Didn't I say that we had an appointment, but why are we not here?"

 “Yu’er remembered correctly.”

 “What are you doing...”

Gong Qianli dialed the numbers of Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei, but no one answered the phone.

The mother and daughter were walking around in circles. Gong Qianli took Xiao Yuer out to leave, but saw that there was already a car in the empty space just now.

This car looks very familiar...

 “Nangong Luo!”

She suddenly reacted. As soon as she finished speaking, a tall figure suddenly appeared next to the car window, which shocked Gong Qianli!


Gong Qianli took a step back. When she saw clearly that it was Nangong Luo himself, she went up and punched him rudely, "You want to die."

“Hey, hey, don’t hit, don’t hit, I just want to give you a surprise.”

 “What the **** is this a surprise? I really am!”

Nangong Luo moved to the side. Gong Qianli, whose fist failed, chased him and taught him a lesson.

“Don’t hit me, don’t hit me, my daughter is still watching.”

 (End of this chapter)

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