My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1271: Gu Chengxi is coming back

Chapter 1271 Gu Chengxi is coming back

According to Gong Qianli's personality, anyone who can hang around her for a whole day without incident must be someone she doesn't dislike.

Nangong Luo is full of fighting spirit.

The two of them talked for a few words, and Ye Yiyi hesitated slightly and said, "Well, there's something I want to tell you."

"What? Don't be hesitant when speaking. If you have something to say, just say it. Your brother, I can stand it."

 “Gu Chengxi is coming back.”


Both of them held up their mobile phones, but Nangong Luo was silent for at least ten seconds.

Ye Weiwei told him, "I heard Brother Chen talking to Gu Chengxi just now, saying that he was going back to China."


 “Just in these two days.”


The atmosphere suddenly became a little solemn.

“Ahem.” Ye Weiyi cleared his throat and told him deliberately, “Brother Nangong, hold on tight. Our family has your strong backing and we will definitely support you!”

Nangong Luo refused to admit defeat, "Tsk, you underestimate me too much, and I'm not afraid of him."

 “Are you really not afraid?”

 “Absolutely true!”

Hearing Nangong Luo's affirmative tone, Ye Weiyi nodded to himself, "Okay, come on, I will keep an eye on it for you."

 "Remember to provide me with more information, that's the enemy's information!" Enemy's information, the enemy's information.

 “It must be a love rival.”

Ye's only sharp and sharp finishing attack struck Nangong Luo's heart with one knife.

 After ending the call, Nangong Luo stood by the window and thought deeply, scratching his hair for a while.

 “What am I afraid of?”

“We haven’t been together for four years abroad, what can we do with him now?”

"What does Gu Chengxi mean? He goes abroad and comes back. Doesn't he really have a crush on that girl Liuli?"

Nangong Luo stood at the window asking and answering questions, and finally walked back around.

 Two days later, Gu Chengxi’s plane landed.

Gu Chengxi has a deep scheming mind. He and Ye Xichen had been friends before, and they had always maintained a cooperative relationship. In short, it was a very complicated relationship that was difficult to understand.

The relationship between Gu Chengxi and Ye Xichen can be described in four words - a close relationship.

Ye Xichen went to pick her up in person, and Ye Weiwei naturally took the two children to show off.

 Gu Chengxi left for a foreign country when the two children had no memory. During this period, they did not have as close contact with each other as Gong Qianli and Ye Weiwei, so the two children were very unfamiliar with him.

Ye only asked them to call Uncle Gu, and the two children greeted them politely, "Hello, Uncle Gu."

Gu Chengxi still had the same iceberg face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, but this time he was very smart and stuffed a small gift for each of the two children.

 “Thank you, Uncle Gu.”

 The two children accepted the small gifts after getting their parents' consent, and their affection for Gu Chengxi instantly increased.

Ye Weiwei secretly made a note to Gu Chengxi: Once you go abroad, you know how to bribe people better! Be careful.

 Along the way, the two children were full of curiosity about Gu Chengxi.

“Uncle Gu, are you a doctor?”

 “Uncle Gu, are you also a good friend of Daddy and Mommy?”

“Uncle Gu, why haven’t we seen you before?”

 One child is noisy enough, but two together will cause more problems.

Gu Chengxi is a person who is not good at words. He cherishes his words like gold, and he has little patience with children.

Ye Weiwei raised his hand to signal to the two children, who immediately shut up.

“Brother Gu, when you return to China this time, are you just coming back for a visit or do you plan to stay for a long time?”

 “Stay at home.”


 It seems that something is going on.

 (End of this chapter)

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