My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1292: Luo, I'm in the hospital

Chapter 1292 Luo, I’m in the hospital

Gong Qianli took a car from the Gong family and drove away. She went directly to Nangong Luo's house without contacting him.

Some things have been held in my heart for too long, and I have to make a decision.


 “You brat, I finally got you in trouble today, please pay me back!”

A group of gangsters with bad expressions cornered a man and a woman.

The young woman grabbed the man's hand and hid behind her, her weak voice revealing her inner uneasiness, "Who are they..."

Gong Qianli never thought that she would run into trouble while driving by.

 A man and a woman were blocked in an alleyway at night, and Gong Qianli immediately called the police.

 There was already a fight inside, and the painful screams were deafening.

As a people's policeman, she finally couldn't help but open the car door and rush out.


 “I’m the police!”

A roar made those people stop one after another. She habitually wanted to take out her police ID card but remembered that she didn't carry it with her in casual clothes.

  But her appearance was looked at carefully by those people. Instead of being afraid, she even kept pushing forward, "Hey, here comes another beauty."

Gong Qianli took a step back, her vigilance raised to the highest level, and she was ready to fight at any time.

She stared at her eyes and said solemnly: "I have already called the police!"

"Call the police?"

The leading gangster deliberately looked back and saw that there was nothing but passing vehicles.

The gangster smiled proudly, "You said call the police, but what about the police? I'm really scared."

While Gong Qianli was stalling for time with them, a man and a woman who were blocked posted on the wall and tried to sneak away quietly.

  The gangster standing by stretched out his hand and blocked the two of them inside, "I want to leave, but there is no door!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic. The agile Gong Qianli shuttled through the crowd, but one person could not defeat the majority. He received a blow on his arm, which hurt his bones.

“You still dare to show off in front of our brothers, and you will be fined for not eating the toast, and I will beat you until you submit today!”

The sound of the police car came from far away, and the gangsters discovered the crisis and fled in a hurry.

Gong Qianli held her injured arm and took two steps forward with a slight limp.

The beaten man and woman huddled in the corner. Gong Qianli lowered her head and saw their trembling appearance, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you okay?"

The man raised his head, and the panda eyes on his two eyes were very obvious.

 “Cough, cough.”

Gong Qianli moved her eyes away and saw that the woman's hair was messy and she was also in a miserable state.

 “Call 120.”

 All three were injured, but they were not serious enough to require immediate admission to the hospital.

Gong Qianli followed them to the nearby police station to make a record, which was delayed for more than half an hour.

“Officer Gong, your bravery is really an example for us to learn from.” There were also young police officers who had just come out and praised her.

Gong Qianli raised her arm, "Your role model's hand is going to be disabled. Can I leave?"


  I couldn’t drive now, so I took a taxi directly to the hospital.

 I checked it and luckily there was no fracture.

 She took out her cell phone and turned it around in her hand, then made a call.


The voice coming from the other side was cool, and there was no emotion at all.

Gong Qianli did not speak.

The other party's call did not hang up, and the two of them remained silent.

Gong Qianli didn’t speak, and Nangong Luo didn’t speak either.

Gong Qianli has already made eighteen twists and turns in her mind.

“Luo, I’m in the hospital.”

"What's wrong with you? Where are you? What happened? Tell me the location!" The silent atmosphere suddenly became active, and he even asked those questions incoherently.

 (End of this chapter)

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