My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1296: A lonely man and a widow are covered with quilts...

Chapter 1296 A man and a woman alone are covered with quilts...

 “Don’t go.”

 “Take your hands away.”

“I won’t let you go.” Nangong Luo was quite stubborn at this time.

Gong Qianli didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She felt like she was trying to coax a child towards him, "I just want to go to the toilet, please take your hands away."

“…” Nangong Luo retracted his hand angrily to give her a wide path.

Gong Qianli pretended to be calm and went to the toilet, then went back to the room and called Xiao Yuer and the Gong family. She sprinkled a little yellow before going to bed with a calm expression and lay down to sleep.

 The brightest light in the room was turned off and replaced with the weak warm light from the bedside.

Gong Qianli is not sleepy, she is very awake now.

 Not long after, there was a warm chest behind my back.

The man reached out from behind and hugged her into his arms, as if she was suddenly on a hot stove, and her heart was filled with heat.

A man and a woman are alone in the same room, or are they in an ambiguous relationship? Who can believe that they are just sleeping with quilts on them that night?

Hmm, I don’t even believe it myself.

 It’s easiest to get emotional in the middle of the night. Even if you pretend to be calm at first, you can’t help but move your hands in the later stages.

 A single spark can start a prairie fire. When two people are ambiguous with each other, it only takes one person to take the initiative and many...unpredictable things may happen.

However, Gong Qianli suffered a loss four years ago, and she was determined not to let him succeed this time. She held the line of defense at the most critical moment and kicked the person out of bed.

 There was a "dong" sound, and the movement was quite loud.

Nangong Luo’s eyes were full of resentment.

“Liu Li, don’t be so cruel.”

 “Who made you dishonest!”

Nangong Luo got up and left, hearing the sound of the door opening and closing.

This door is very soundproof, otherwise she would still hear the sound of water spraying from the shower head next door.

 The cold autumn water washes down, and the taste is so sour and refreshing.


Gong Qianli’s arm was injured and she could not lift heavy objects. Her colleagues at the police station soon found out.

 At noon, she found an ointment on the table out of thin air. She read the instructions and it was specifically for bruises and sprains like hers.

Taking the medicine, he casually asked the people around him, "Who is so kind and brought me medicine?"

 No one answered, no one took the credit.

The colleague closest to her smiled ambiguously and said, "Which suitor could it be? I found out you were injured in the morning and the medicine came right now. It must have been brought to you on purpose."

Gong Qianli held the ointment as if it were a hot potato.

 If that’s the case, she can’t even use it!

  It’s easy for people to misunderstand if you accept things from others casually, okay?

Since no one acknowledged it, she put the ointment in the corner.

Since that person can put things here quietly, it means that she is an insider. If she just throws it away, it will definitely offend people. If she just leaves it like this, smart people will know what she means.


 In the afternoon, I went to the kindergarten to pick up the children. Only Xiao Yu'er did not see Nangong Luo.

 “Your daddy didn’t come today?”


 “Oh, let’s go.”

After holding the child's hand and leaving the kindergarten, Xiao Yu'er had many questions popping up in her mouth, "Mommy, do you want to see Daddy?"

 “Who did you learn it from? Who taught you these questions?”

Xiao Yuer is only three years old. Although she is very smart, she has little awareness of that aspect because she has not been with her father for a long time. She probably didn't think of such a sharp question on her own.

Xiao Yuer kicked her feet twice, smiling and refusing to say anything.

  【Just chatting under the quilt】

  【Just chatting under the quilt】



 (End of this chapter)

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