My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1299: Lovers get married

Chapter 1299 Lovers finally get married

 “Well, I heard it, don’t separate from me again.”

 The sound of cheerful music gradually became clear in my ears.

Suddenly a flower appeared from the ceiling above her head, its petals spread out layer by layer, emitting colorful light.

 The petals slowly grow, and the buds are fully bloomed, with many soft feathers and a long thread falling from them.

She reached out and grasped it casually, and a silver ring appeared clearly in her palm.

 A ring, a proposal, and once you say yes, you will get married.

This logic has been in her mind for a long time. It is complicated in her heart, and she always feels that there is nothing left to do when making a choice.

“I’m already the mother of a three-year-old child, why should I get married?”

 “In my heart, you will always be my Princess Liuli.”


 The flowers on the top of the head spread out again, this time it was not rings, but colorful ribbons representing joy and blessings.

 “Promise him, promise him.”

 The childish voice sounded close to the glass.

It turned out that there was a door on the side. At this moment, each of the three children was carrying a basket filled with flower petals. They changed into small skirts that looked like male and female flower girls as dresses, and they all had smiles on their faces.

 “Godfather and godmother are together.”

 “Mom and Daddy are together!”

 Children find shouting more and more interesting and addictive, as if they are competing to see whose voice is louder, raising their voices to express their blessings.

The children are so "sensible", so it is conceivable that a group of reinforcements invited by Nangong Luo are also watching them.

Gong Qianli first thought of the kiss just now...

 It’s just too shy, right?

 “Nangong Luo! This is a conspiracy.”

“As long as I can deceive you, I will do anything.”

 Even in such a childish way, he is willing to try.

“Give me a chance and let me protect you and Yu’er. You will be the love of my life for the rest of my life.”

 “My godfather and godmother are together!”

 “Mom and Daddy are together!”

 “My godfather and godmother are together!”

The voices of children coming from outside came one after another, one after another, as if they were competing, and they were all full of energy.

“Liu Li, are you acquiescing?”

 “Ask me, don’t you know how to use your brain to think?”

Gong Qianli half-covered her face and used Nangong Luo's arms to hide her expression.

 This is the default.

Nangong Luo was so happy that he didn't know where he got the strength to pick her up and spin her around a few times.


 The children were let in and gathered around the two adults.

They are not afraid of this place. Even Gong Qianli was surprised, "Why are they not afraid...Are all the children nowadays so rebellious?"

Later, Ye Weiwei told her a secret, "I told the children that the floor is a very beautiful painting. Walking in the world in the painting will only produce beautiful imaginations, so how can they be afraid?"

 All things are the same, the most important thing is personal thoughts and mentality.

“Luo, if you have the ability to make my parents accept you again within three days, I will marry you immediately!”

Let’s leave it here, what to do depends on whether Nangong Luo is active enough.

Who made him almost miss his own child for someone else's child!

 It always takes some hardship to make him understand what is hard-earned and needs to be cherished.

But when Nangong Luo heard that request, he almost fainted from tears.

 It took him three weeks to get it but he couldn't do it in three days? This test question is too scary!

 (End of this chapter)

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