My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1301: Just know how to take advantage of children

Chapter 1301: You know how to take advantage of children

“Ms. Zhong, madam agrees to let Miss Yu’er in.”

"Okay, thank you." Zhong Yun nodded, holding her daughter and preparing to walk inside.

But he didn't expect that the housekeeper would reach out and stop him, "Madam said, only Miss Yu'er is invited in."

 Emphasize that Mrs. Nangong only wants to see Nangong Yu.

Zhong Yun was naturally unwilling, "Yu'er is so young, how can I safely let her go in alone?"

“Ms. Zhong, do you doubt that we can’t take care of a child?”

"Of course not." Even if she had that thought in her heart, she couldn't say it now.

"What I mean is that Yu'er is still young, and I'm afraid that she will make mistakes and get into trouble if she goes in by herself." Zhong Yun deliberately said something nice, "After all, it would be bad to bring trouble to Madam, so it's best if I take Yu'er in."

 It sounds like this, but the housekeeper doesn’t accept this!

The butler's attitude was also very firm, "I'm sorry, Madam, he emphasized that maliciously, and I can't make the decision without authorization."

 In fact, there is another story that Zhong Yun doesn’t even know.

The housekeeper of the Nangong family has been working here for many years. He has watched Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli grow up. At that time, everyone in the family was optimistic about the relationship between the two, but then Zhong Yun suddenly appeared, and it always felt like he was getting involved.

They couldn't talk about the master's affairs, so they thought that they would slowly accept whoever the young master chose. But now they know that everything is false, and they, the old people, have a feeling of rejection towards Zhong Yun.

 After living in a place for a long time, feelings will naturally develop. They are full of feelings for the Nangong family. When the master is deceived, the servant's heart will also be inclined to the master, just like the housekeeper.

The housekeeper decisively rejected Zhong Yun, and Zhong Yun kept holding the child's hand without letting go.

The housekeeper's gaze fell on the hands of the mother and daughter, and he reminded him lukewarmly, "Miss Zhong, no one can violate Madam's special instructions. If you still find it inconvenient, there is no need to let Miss Yu'er in. Please come back." ”

 This is what Mrs. Nangong meant.

 Now Zhong Yun and Nangong Yu want to see Mrs. Nangong, so they have no better choice.

Zhong Yun reluctantly let go of her daughter's hand, lowered her head and warned, "Yu'er, when you see grandma when you go in, you must be polite and obedient, you know?"

"I see."

Nangong Yu answered loudly.

Nangong Yu knew the way, so he let go of his hand and ran in quickly.

 Children don't understand the thoughts of adults. She can't wait to go back to her big house and doesn't care whether Zhong Yun goes in with her or not.

 “Grandma, grandma.”

 As soon as he entered the door, he shouted at the top of his lungs, for fear that no one would respond.

Mrs. Nangong happened to be waiting for her downstairs, and she could be seen at a glance while sitting in the living room.

Nangong Yu happily ran over, "Grandma."

 In the end, Mrs. Nangong could not be hard-hearted, and she answered the child with a gentle nod.

Nangong Yu crawled along the sofa and sat down next to Mrs. Nangong. Thinking of what Zhong Yun told her before coming in, she became more restrained than before.

However, Mrs. Nangong has watched her grow up for three years, and is very familiar with Nangong Yu’s little actions and thoughts.

 Looking at her sitting next to her, her eyes were wandering around and her little hands were grabbing her knees. These small movements were inattentive and thinking about other things.

 “Just say what you want to say, don’t hold it back.”

 (End of this chapter)

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