My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1308: It's coming soon, it's coming soon

Chapter 1308 It’s coming soon. It’s coming soon.

Gu Chengxi didn’t answer and asked instead: “Do you think I should be happy?”

This comic has a profound meaning, and Ye Weiyi just pretends not to know it.

 She nodded, "I think you should be happy when lovers finally get married."

Gu Chengxi: “…”

 Probably because he has become more and more Buddhist in recent years, Ye Youyi is able to kill instantly with just one sentence.

“Brother Gu and Liuli were both abroad at the time. You should have heard clearly about Liuli, right?”

 “Yes, so what?”

“Brother Gu has been very tight-lipped about Liuli’s affairs over the years and has not revealed any rumors. He is a trustworthy person.”

Ye Weiwei satirized Gu Chengxi.

She and Gong Qianli had a close friendship. When Gong Qianli told her what had happened, she had a clue.

The previous misunderstanding between Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo was caused intentionally by someone. If not, the lovers would not have wasted so much time.

She is not good at dealing with people. For her, Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo are best friends. Gu Chengxi's status must be moved back.

 Hence, she felt that it was not fair at all for Gu Chengxi to do such a thing.

 Forget it about plotting against others, even your own brothers, it is too abominable!

But now the rain has finally passed and the sky has cleared, and the matter between Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli seems to have settled.


"hurry up."

 “Hurry up, hurry up.”

 “Hurry, hurry, come soon.”

Ye Weiwei stood at the door, holding the handle of the suitcase in his hand.

 She looked at the time and urged the two children who were still groping in the room.

 After waiting for about half an hour, the two children finished packing their things and the aunt took them down.

Ye Xichen, a person who couldn't do without work for 130 days out of 136 days, finally wanted to "pursue personal interests" once. He took his wife and two children out for a walk while he was on a field trip to see something. A different living atmosphere than usual.

 And now they are still preparing for departure.

In order to cultivate the children's independence, Ye Weiwei deliberately let the two children pack their own things. It didn't matter whether they brought too much or missed. If you bring too much, the car can fit it in. If you bring too little, they can buy it at any time.

However, the brother and sister each had a small suitcase, which could not hold many things.

 Ye Ziwei weighed it twice when he took it over. It was of average weight.

 “Are you sure you have everything in hand?”

 “Get it!”

"Now that we have it, let's... set off!" He raised his hand and waved in the direction of the sun outside the door. Their family was full of expectations for this trip!

The accident of the third daughter Nuan Nuan left a big shadow in Ye Weiyi's heart, and that shadow was reflected in her desire to protect her children.

 She would rather give up her favorite music to stay by her children's side personally, and she also pays great attention to their children's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

  She was reluctant to let her children out when they were young, and she was afraid of accidents even if they were accompanied by someone.

Now that the two children are a little older, she is finally willing to let them go for a walk.

 The world outside is very exciting.

“Mommy, where are we going?”

“This question is a bit complicated, you can ask daddy.”

 “Is Daddy omnipotent? I can ask anything?” Children are rich in language and speak freely, which often makes adults laugh.

“You will know if Daddy is omnipotent, just ask.”

 (End of this chapter)

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