My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1322: Is Zhong Yun really in love with someone else?

Chapter 1322 Is Zhong Yun really in love with someone else?

Zhong Yun is Fang Yu’s girlfriend. They really loved each other at the beginning and even gave birth to a daughter Nangong Yu together.

 Oh no, it is now called Zhong Yu.

She had reason to believe that Zhong Yun had the idea to pretend to be husband and wife with Nangong Luo in order to protect her daughter from harm at first, but what happened later?

Did Zhong Yun really fall in love with Nangong Luo later?

 “Dong dong dong.”

Gong Qianli knocked on the door.

 About half a minute later, she heard footsteps at the door.

The door was suddenly opened, and Gong Qianli and Zhong Yun were face to face, looking directly into each other's eyes.

"Is it you?" Zhong Yun was surprised by Gong Qianli's appearance.

Gong Qianli nodded, as if to prove her identity, and replied with two words, "It's me."

Zhong Yun stood at the door and did not invite her in.

Of course Gong Qianli doesn't care about this, because she didn't come here just to chat with anyone.

"I just have a few questions. As long as you answer them well, I won't trouble you."

“Miss Gong, your tone is too loud.”

"Da? Zhong Yun, you should be very clear about the status and situation of the two of us now. Not to mention that I have a clear conscience. Even if I deliberately cause trouble for you, you have to suffer, right?" After all, he was born and raised in a businessman's family. As a child, even if she does not take over the family business, some of the abilities she has learned should not be underestimated.

 Those are real talents that can be put to use at critical moments.

Zhong Yun is now a mute eating Coptis chinensis and can't express the pain!

She lowered her hand across the door, took two steps back, took out a pair of clean indoor shoes from the shoe cabinet and said to Gong Qianli, "Come in."

 This is an invitation for her to come in, sit down and talk slowly.

Gong Qianli certainly has no objection.

 It is more convenient to talk at home.

“Zhong Yun, I have a few questions that need to be answered.”

“My ability is very limited, and I should be powerless to deal with Miss Zhong’s doubts.”

 “No, you can, and only you can.”

Gong Qianli’s serious look makes people feel confident.

“When you and Fang Yu got along, you loved each other, right?”

  When mentioning the name buried in the past memories, it was suddenly brought up, and Zhong Yun's face was dark and unclear.

Gong Qianli first took a deep breath and said, "You took your daughter to marry someone else when Fang Yu's body was still cold. Don't you feel that this behavior is a bit sorry for your boyfriend?"

"Only we know what happens between me and Fang Yu. As for the rest, Miss Gong doesn't need to interfere."

“It’s really inconvenient for me to ask more about your Fang Yu’s relationship, but I want to ask you, since you are sincere towards Fang Yu, what kind of mentality have you had towards Nangong Luo in the past four years!”

This question is to the point, and everyone knows what to say.

Zhong Yun lowered her head and was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed softly, and the sound from her throat changed from a muffled sound to a wild laugh.

“You want to ask me why I went to Nangong Luo in the first place?”

“Do you think Fang Yu died saving Nangong Luo, so you approached Nangong Luo to make him atone for his sins?”

 “Yes and no.”


"Now that things have come to this, I will tell you the truth. Back then, I knew that you and Fang Yu were good friends, and I even knew that the person Nangong Luo liked was you!"

"and you?"

“You guessed it right, I came to Nangong Luo on purpose.”

 (End of this chapter)

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