My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1330: Children are proof of love

Chapter 1330 Children are proof of love

“Only when children exist can a family be complete.”

"I disagree."

Bei Ye refused without hesitation.

Yu Anran did not expect that the suggestion he had the courage to put forward would be rejected by Kitano without hesitation.

 Suddenly I couldn’t express my feelings.

It’s not that I’m angry or angry, I just don’t understand and feel sorry.

Yu Anran asked: "Why? Don't you like children?"

 Before Kitano could answer, she already had a perfect answer to deny the question.

“No, you are very happy every time you see Feng’er and Zhiruo, and you are even willing to put down your dignity to play with the children. You should like children, at least you will not reject them.”

Yu Anran’s analysis is very clear, and this is indeed the case.

 Kitano does not deny it, because he does not reject children, and even thinks they are cute.

But he also had his own reasons and said confidently: "I don't want irrelevant people to appear in our lives."

Yu Anran emphasized, "If we adopt, the child belongs to us and is not an unrelated person."

Beiye rejected it outright, "They are just irrelevant people! I don't recognize anyone except the child you gave me!"

Perhaps the tone of the last sentence was a bit harsh, which made Yu Anran frown, "You know it's impossible, and I can't help you fulfill your wish!"

"Haha." Beiye chuckled, and quickly changed his cold tone to a softer one.

 What he meant was, "Then let's keep the status quo. The world between two people is also very good, isn't it? Ranran."

 Finally, Yu Anran's name was called softly, leaving Yu Anran unable to say anything to refute for a moment.

 Kitano is indeed right. Adopting a child is equivalent to letting a stranger enter their lives.

After calming down, Yu Anran thought about it carefully: she adopted the child not because she loved the child, but because she just wanted to experience a complete family. That would be unfair to everyone.

This proposal was shelved for the time being, but once the idea had appeared in her mind, she would always think about it.

Yu Anran has already accepted her fate and knows for sure that she has no chance of getting pregnant in this life, but she can't let Kitano not experience the feeling of a loving father and a filial son, right? That's too cruel...

Yu Anran's thoughts were almost in chaos.

Yu Anran is a little confused.

 She specially returned to her parents’ home to talk to Mrs. Yu.

They, mother and daughter, were not close when they were young, because Mrs. Yu had very strict requirements on her, and she always thought that her mother was just trying to take advantage of her.

 It wasn’t until what happened later that she truly realized the greatness of maternal love. Now her relationship with her mother is becoming more and more harmonious and intimate.

Yu Anran told Mrs. Yu about his recent troubles.

That night, Mrs. Yu told her daughter some great truths.

"I have also seen over the years that Bei Ye is sincere to you and does not care whether you can give him a son or a half. You said you wanted to adopt a child so that he could have a complete family, but you also You have to put yourself in his shoes and think about whether he is willing to form a so-called complete family with children in that way.”

“A child is the product of two people who love each other, so only those who get married will expect children. An Ran, think about it for yourself.”

 (End of this chapter)

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