My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 134: She is beautiful

Chapter 134 She is beautiful

"Su Yichen, you are so troublesome." Ye Weiwei squatted beside the sofa and sighed and shook his head.

Su Yichen, who had a serious fever, wanted to reply, "No girl has ever found me troublesome," but he really didn't have the strength and fainted in front of Ye Weiwei.

Su Yichen didn't want to go to the hospital. She was a weak girl and couldn't take people there, so she thought of the stupidest way - Baidu.

 Baidu says: Use hot towels when the body temperature rises, and use cold towels when the body temperature stabilizes, drops, or later.



Fortunately, there was a thermometer in the home medical kit that An Ruan handed her. She checked Su Yichen twice, first using a hot towel and then a cold towel according to the real-time situation.

Su Yichen was sweating and his face seemed to be getting better.

Ye Weiwei really wants to leave.

To be honest, she didn't want to stay here to guard strangers, and she was still a boy.

 But An Ruan would come to ask about Su Yichen's status every once in a while, and his tone was so grateful that she couldn't even say no.

An Ruan's affairs were delayed again and again. Su Yichen was so sleepy that she could only stay by her side, hoping that Su Yichen would wake up soon.

 Unknowingly, the half-day promised had already passed.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Yiyi's stomach was already growling with hunger.

 She remembered that An Ruan told her that Su Yichen's parents were away from home for a long time, and he was the only one at home.

 She suddenly had an idea about the refrigerator.

He turned to Su Yichen on the sofa and whispered a few words: "I've taken care of you for so long, so it's not too much to eat something, just take it as reward."

 No one responded.

Ye Weiwei stood up on the sofa and opened the refrigerator expectantly. When he saw it... his face suddenly dropped.

 There is nothing in it except two bottles of yogurt.

I thought the yogurt would be good for filling my stomach, but when I took it out, I saw that it had already passed its expiration date...

Ye Weiwei looked around the spacious hall, feeling very uncomfortable.

 Why should she stay here and make herself suffer?

If it were her brother, he would definitely not let her go hungry.


She vowed that she would never agree to help others casually again.

  It was boring to be the only one here at night, so I fell asleep on the table next to the sofa without realizing it.

When Su Yichenxin woke up, he felt that his throat was very uncomfortable. His face was wrinkled. He sat up and wanted to pour himself a glass of water to moisten his throat. Then he turned his head and saw a little girl lying next to the table.

 The little girl fell asleep and her breathing was very peaceful.

Su Yichen didn't know if it was because of his sore throat, so he didn't make a sound when he saw outsiders, and even poured himself a glass of water without realizing it.

 Drinking cold water in his stomach made him sober.

Su Yichen squinted his eyes slightly and saw that Ye Weiyi had her eyes closed, only to realize that her eyelashes were long and thick, her nose was high and her pink mouth was even more delicate.

At first glance when looking at Ye Youwei, one would usually think that her round face can only be called "cute", but if one looks closely, everyone who has seen her will have to admit that her facial features are very delicate.

If you take off that baby fat round face...

  How pretty and beautiful should she look?

However, just when the atmosphere was harmonious, Ye Weiwei's stomach suddenly made a "gurgling" sound, and then another sound.

“…” Su Yichen pushed the person awake with a dark face.

Ye Weiyi stretched out his hands to rub his eyes out of habit, and then opened his black onyx eyes.

 She and Su Yichen stared quietly.

Do a survey. Do you want An Ruan to be good or bad?



 (End of this chapter)

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