My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1345: Ye Qingfeng was very disappointed when he learned the truth.

Chapter 1345 Ye Qingfeng was very disappointed when he learned the truth.

 Ye Qingfeng began to search on the Internet: How can I get pregnant with a little sister?

 The topics on the answer page are very strange and difficult to understand.

  Most of them said to go to the hospital, but Ye Qingfeng felt that those answers were unreliable.

 But after looking over and over again, the word "hospital" appeared the most times. Finally, he thought of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he had to give it a try no matter what.

 Ye Qingfeng "carried" Yu Anran out.

He can use Baidu Maps and check information about nearby hospitals, and he can find the target with just one search.

Yu Anran didn't know Ye Qingfeng's plan at first, and thought the child wanted to buy something so she accompanied him out.

 When the two of them walked to the bottom of the hospital, Yu Anran looked up and saw the hospital logo with a red cross, and was shocked!

"Feng'er, what are you going to buy? We are going in the wrong direction."

Ye Qingfeng took Yu Anran's hand and walked towards the hospital, "Yes, it's here. I checked online and this hospital has pretty good reviews."

"Why are you going to the hospital? Are you sick?" Yu Anran subconsciously put his hand to Ye Qingfeng's forehead to feel the temperature.

Ye Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I'm not sick. I want to take my godmother to see a doctor."

 “Me? I’m not sick either.”

“But the godmother is not pregnant with the little sister. I can help the godmother get pregnant with the little sister.”

Yu Anran couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this reason, "I know what you mean, but..."

“But godmother has her own plans, so we won’t go in, let’s go.”

 Over so many years, she has already used all the methods available to her. Now she will not go to the hospital to do such boring things.

Yu Anran took Ye Qingfeng's hand and wanted to lead him in the opposite direction, but found that he couldn't be pulled away!

Ye Qingfeng stood stubbornly on the spot, looking very determined.

Yu Anran could understand that children are very stubborn when they are obsessed with something, and she also tried to communicate with Ye Qingfeng in a nice way.

"Feng'er, I'm sorry, my godmother lied to you before. In fact, my godmother can't give birth to a little sister, so there's no point in going to the hospital."

"Why not?"

"Because my godmother is sick, but she has already been to the hospital. She can't be cured, and she will never be cured."

 When Ye Qingfeng heard this sentence, he suddenly felt a deep sadness.

His expression suddenly turned into one of disbelief.

 He turned around and hugged Yu Anran, shaking his head in her arms, "No, just being sick can be cured. Uncle Gu is very good at curing diseases. Let's go find Uncle Gu?"

“I’ve already looked for it, and I’ve tried everything you can think of. So I’m sorry, but I can’t keep my promise to you.”

It seems cruel to let children know such truth, it is like poking a hole in a clean and intact white paper in their hearts.

Yu Anran knew that he could understand Ye Qingfeng's conversation like this.

Ye Qingfeng let Yu Anran pull her away dejectedly.

Yu Anran could tell that he was in a bad mood, so he didn't take him home directly. He took Ye Qingfeng towards the park. There were many people there, so maybe he could relax his mood.

Now Ye Qingfeng is like a deflated balloon. He will go in whichever direction Yu Anran takes him.

 Enter through the gate, go down the stone steps, walk by the river, and walk through the woods. You are already halfway through the park.

Since it was inconvenient to turn back halfway, we continued walking down this road.

 Going down the stairs again, there is a small temple halfway up.

【I went to the park before and saw a small temple on the way. I went in and worshiped. It felt so serious】



 (End of this chapter)

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