My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1350: Kitano is crazy...

Chapter 1350 Beiye is crazy...

The good news of Yu Anran's pregnancy immediately hit Kitano's circle of friends.

 Bei Ye, who is about to become a father, is going crazy.

Not only did he post nearly a hundred messages about his wife's pregnancy on his WeChat Moments, but he never repeated any of them.

 Those who added Kitano’s friends opened the space and saw several pages of Kitano’s friends. At first, they thought their circle of friends had gone crazy.

Ye Weiwei was about to call to ask about the situation, but he didn't expect Kitano to call him personally.

 Attention, it was Kitano who called her!

“Well, let me tell you some good news. My wife is pregnant and I will invite you over for a drink in eight months.”

 Ye Weiwei was really stunned for a few seconds when he heard this sentence, which was like a report.

"You said An Ran is pregnant? Didn't you lie to me? Today is not April Fool's Day, right?" There were three question marks, and she looked at the year, month and day.

 But in fact, she knew that even if it was April Fool's Day, Kitano would not be able to joke about this kind of thing.

 So before Kitano could answer, she smiled happily, "Really? Congratulations!"

Yu Anran immediately went to announce the good news to his mother, but Kitano thought from his wife's position, and with the Ye family's two children around him, the first thing he thought of was of course his wife's best friend Ye Weiwei.

You know, Kitano is the kind of person who will not chat with anyone other than "Yu Anran" on the phone for more than ten seconds unless there is serious business.

Now he was enjoying listening to Ye Weiwei's congratulations.

Ye Weiwei also said that he wanted to go over and have a look now. Kitano greeted directly and domineeringly, "Don't worry, I will send the address and time to Moments tonight. Everyone will come. I will treat you tonight!"

 Kitano wants everyone to know the good news that he is about to become a father.

Yu Anran couldn't stand it anymore and laughed at him for looking like a fool, which made him happy.

 But Kitano doesn’t care.

"Of course, no matter what you say or do today, I will not be angry, I am not angry." He smiled at Yu Anran, which was also said to himself.

Beiye was happy and said he would entertain everyone.

Not only that, he also regarded the Ye family brothers and sisters as lucky stars, and promised many good things to them at that time.

But what Ye Qingfeng was most concerned about was Kitano's promise.

“Godfather, you said before that if the godmother gives birth to a little sister, she will be betrothed to me as my daughter-in-law, does this still count?”

 Kitano: “…”

If it weren’t for the fact that you are my godson, I would have slapped you away.

 “Boy, give up your thoughts as soon as possible.”

This is already a round away. How could Kitano make such a boring agreement with a child?

 Ye Qingfeng has an innocent face.

Ye Zhiruo walked up to him quietly and comforted in a low voice, "Brother, you are so handsome. You will definitely find a wife in the future. Don't fall in love prematurely now. The teacher said that children are not allowed to fall in love prematurely."

 Ye Qingfeng: “…”

Even my own sister doesn’t support me, which is really frustrating.

Yu Anran began to live a life like a queen mother at home.

 She used to be a queen, but now she has been successfully promoted to the queen mother.

 Because this pregnancy was hard to come by, the doctor also said that Yu Anran's body had difficulty conceiving, and pregnancy was simply a miracle, so special attention was needed.

 Kitano kept everything the doctor told him in mind, and even wrote a small notebook to record it.

 He even felt guilty and asked Ye Xichen, Nangong Luo and other people with experience in being fathers for advice.

 (End of this chapter)

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