My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1354: she fell asleep

Chapter 1354 She fell asleep

"Yue'er was crying so much just now that she couldn't stop it no matter how she coaxed her. I didn't expect that she would stop crying after Feng'er." Mrs. Yu spoke with a very satisfied and happy tone.

Yu Anran was also surprised.

 She quickly wiped her daughter's tears with a tissue, but she hadn't brought her daughter back yet.

Bei Ye, who came later, had a bad temper. When he came in and saw the room full of people, he immediately frowned.

They saw the two brothers and sisters from the Ye family again, and the wrinkles between their eyebrows naturally relaxed.

 “How are you, Yue’er?”

"Yue'er is very good, you know, it was the wind that coaxed her just now."

 From Yu Anran's words, it can be heard that she is very happy about this.

Bei Ye took a closer look and found that his daughter was being held in the arms of a boy from another family.

Then he won’t be happy about it!

 “Let me hug you.”

“Hey, godfather, the little sister is about to fall asleep, so it’s better not to change her for now.”

Although Ye Qingfeng has few people, he still has his own way of coaxing the child, knowing that he can coax the child to sleep more easily by holding it gently.

Bei Ye loved his daughter the most. When Ye Qingfeng said this, he could bear it temporarily even if he felt jealous.

 The child fell asleep quickly.

Mrs. Yu's expression became softer when she looked at the Ye family brothers and sisters, and she kept asking them to greet them, "Do you two want to eat some fruit? Or should you drink something first? If you need anything, just tell grandma, and grandma will ask someone to bring it. You take it.”

“You don’t have to be too polite, Grandma Yu.” The brother and sister said in unison.

“How polite is this? It’s hard for you two to come here once. Grandma is happy to see you and wants to be nice to you, but you don’t give her a chance.”

“Of course that’s not what I meant. Since Grandma Yu said so, just give us a glass of juice.”

 Finally, the brother and sister asked for a glass of orange juice.

Mrs. Yu even wanted to learn from the brothers and sisters, "You don't know, Yue'er never likes others to touch her, let alone you coaxing her to sleep when she cries. Tell grandma, what method do you use to coax her?" Dao Yue’er’s?”


Ye Qingfeng just wanted to answer: Grandma Yu, this complicated question is too complicated!

But he thought so in his heart, and he still had to have an answer when he said it, "Actually, I don't know. I just wanted to hug my little sister and coax her, but I didn't expect her to stop crying. Maybe... maybe the little sister is tired from crying?"

Ye Zhiruo stared at him a few more times at that time.

 In fact, according to Ye Qingfeng's usual narcissistic practice, he would definitely say: I must be too handsome!

 Be very measured in front of elders and know how to keep a low profile.

Beiye was "arranged" by Yu Anran to sleep with his daughter in the room, so he came down first.

 She brought each of the two children a cup of yogurt, which was their favorite when they went to her house to play.

 “Thank you, godmother.”

 “Thank you, godmother.”

   Two people got yogurt, but they didn’t refuse the kindness.

Mrs. Yu read it and wrote it down, "So you two like this. I've already transferred it and asked someone to buy it. I'll keep it at home for you from now on. Come here often. Grandma likes you energetic children." ”

"Okay, thank you, Grandma Yu." Ye Zhiruo responded sweetly.

One is acting cool and the other is acting nice. Everyone who sees them feels happy.

Yu Anran also mentioned what happened just now, "I really didn't expect that you and Yue'er are so destined,"

“Godmother, don’t forget what you said before.”

 (End of this chapter)

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