My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1357: Wandering around me

 Chapter 1357: Persevering with me

  "At any rate, you are my favorite too..." He deliberately said it halfway, staring at her constant discharge.

 The girl quickly raised the notebook she was holding in front of her face, "Stop it, your gentle attack won't work on me."

Ye Qingfeng put away the deliberate fake smile on her face and pulled down the book, revealing the girl's little face with pink makeup and bright eyes.

Seeing this cute little face, Ye Qingfeng sighed, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, she is indeed my sister Ye Qingfeng."

Ye Qingfeng pretends to be a good student to the outside world, but only when he faces his sister Ye Zhiruo will he return to his original character.

Ye Zhiruo opened his palm with a pen, a faint smile appeared on his face, and his delicate little face was like a delicate flower that was gradually blooming.

“Brother, do you have to be so narcissistic even when you praise me?”

 “I’m telling the truth.”

“Then I’ve never seen you praise me so much.”

 “As usual, you even put on makeup today.”

“Yes, when the school anniversary starts later, I will go on stage to preside over it.”

Today is the tenth anniversary of the founding of our school. It is carefully arranged every year, and this year is even more grand, because the people in the school want to use Ye Qingfeng to win two championships in the national competition this time to spread the prestige of the school and create the most Brand value of educational institutions.

 From scene setting to personnel selection,

In order to better let everyone pay attention to the excellence of the children cultivated by their school, even the hosts are students from the school who have been carefully selected and trained by the police.

 Ye Zhiruo is one of them.

 Ye Zhiruo was going to go on stage today, so she wore light makeup.

Although girls are naturally beautiful, putting on makeup is like the icing on the cake, adding to their beauty.

Perhaps their genes are too strong. As twin siblings, she and Ye Qingfeng have developed very quickly, both mentally and physically. Their temperament and appearance look much more mature than their peers.

 For those who don’t know, they think they are just young-looking adults!

“Brother, did you just escape here?”

“Yes, you don’t know that the reporters outside are pestering me like vampires, and they are annoying me to death.”

 “Hush, even if you whisper through the walls, you have to maintain your good image.”

 “Huh, forget it.”

 They perform well in school and can only do business when they go home.

 Because his mother-in-law has great trust in the two brothers and sisters.

 This trust does not only refer to believing in whatever is said, but also from all aspects of knowledge and rest.

 They are children of the Ye family, and they have attracted much attention in the upper class circles of S City.

And these brothers and sisters are born with pride. Since they have the ability, they must work hard to be the pride of heaven in the eyes of others!

 “I said what on earth are you writing?”


“Don’t you already know the manuscript by heart?”

 “It’s just a rough guide to the process, please write it down to avoid any mistakes.”

Although Ye Zhiruo is only a fourteen-year-old child, her mind has always been more delicate than others. For her, even if she is very sure of something, she will spare no time and energy to make extra preparations. Guaranteed to be foolproof.

 For this point, even the arrogant Ye Qingfeng admired her so much.

“My eldest lady, you are really looking for trouble.”

 “I don’t think so.”

Ye Qingfeng raised his arm and looked at the watch on his wrist, "There's still half an hour left. Have you finished writing?"

 (End of this chapter)

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