My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1381: She's the daughter of a wealthy family

Chapter 1381 She is the daughter of a rich family

Grandma Li took Li Paner to her home temporarily.

Li Pan'er was wiping her tears, and Grandma Li felt pitiful when she looked at her, "Oh, Pan'er, grandma is getting old, and I don't know how long I can protect you. Old lady, if I really have to step into the gate of **** one day, how can I keep you?" What to do?”

Grandma Li has no special expectations when she lives to this age. The only thing she is worried about is the poor granddaughter at home.

Li Pan'er's stay with Grandma Li is only temporary. She will eventually go home.

Grandma Li was worried and said she would send her back.

However, Li Pan'er didn't want her grandma to work so hard for her and repeatedly refused, "Grandma, it's getting dark now. I can just go back by myself. My parents should have calmed down and everything will be fine."

  Sensible children make Grandma Li feel even more distressed.

However, she was also considerate of her granddaughter's painstaking efforts, and finally stood at the door and watched Li Pan'er leave.

Li Paner was actually very hesitant on the way home.

She has been used to being beaten and scolded over the years, but this afternoon, Li's father was really angry, so she couldn't guarantee that Li's father had calmed down now.

The only excuse she could use to comfort herself was: "It's already dark now. Dad probably won't let me get the learning machine..."

As long as she gets through tonight, she can escape for another day when she goes to school tomorrow.

Li Pan'er made up her mind and walked home with an uneasy heart.

 Unexpectedly, the light in the kitchen at home was still on.

Li Paner quietly sneaked back to her room, but when she turned on the light, the scene in front of her shocked her so much that she was speechless!

Her mouth was open and trembling, but she couldn't speak a word correctly.


how so…

The clothes she had hidden so well were thrown on the ground, and there were a few footprints on the white clothes.

 At this time, Mother Li appeared at the door.

 “Back.” This calm voice seemed to predict that Li Paner would return home at this time.

Li Pan'er turned around suddenly, with her back to the wall and her eyes looking at Mother Li.

  Li’s mother was eating with a bowl in her hand. She asked about the smell of deep-fried meat from the bowl. She must have fried the fat meat again.

 “Mom, my clothes…”

"It seems that you gained a lot from going to the city. Tell me, where did these things come from?"

 “Yes, it was given by a sister.”

“As a gift? These clothes are very nice. Did I give you something else?”

When Father Li and Mother Li saw the clothes, they didn’t understand the brands. The clothes were too small for them to wear, so they felt they were of little value.

They rummaged through the things Li Pan'er brought back but couldn't find anything valuable, so they had to take out their clothes to vent their anger.

They even speculated that Li Pan'er had packed up the good stuff, and now they were waiting for Li Pan'er to fall into the trap!

Mother Li put down the bowl in her hand and walked into Li Pan'er's room.

 Li Pan'er really didn't know what to do except shake her head and say no.

"Pan'er, your father is very angry about the learning machine. If you can't come up with anything to comfort her, I'm afraid my mother can't help you either."

 “But Mom, I really don’t have anything.”

“Really, I heard from your classmates that there is a very rich young lady in that aristocratic school who likes you very much and gave you a lot of things. It can’t be just these clothes, right?”

Mother Li has already inquired about it.

Li Pan'er's classmates all said that Li Pan'er met a rich man at school, and the rich man gave him a lot of things. Li's mother was even more sure that Li Pan'er had packed up the good stuff.

 (End of this chapter)

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