My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1384: She was the one who suffered at night!

Chapter 1384 She was the one who suffered at night!

“Ye Qingfeng, come to the study with me.”

The cold and hard voice above his head said that there was no need to refuse, and Ye Qingfeng, who had been careless just now, suddenly became alert.

 He turned his body stiffly 180 degrees and saw the most authoritative man in their family standing beside him.

Ye Qingfeng was immediately frightened.

"Dad...I just remembered that the principal asked me to write an article about my reflections on the brainstorming double subject champion. It's 10,000 words, but I'm busy. I'll go first."

 Apply oil on the soles of your feet and you will want to slip away!

his hands and feet had already made a gesture of rushing out, but in fact he could not take a step forward because someone was holding his collar by the back.

 No one can escape what Ye Xichen has named him to do.

Ye Xichen was walking in front, so Ye Qingfeng knew that he had to keep up.

When Ye Xichen went upstairs, Ye Qingfeng kept turning around to sign "help" to Ye Weiwei and Ye Zhiruo, almost crying.

 But Ye Yiwei and Ye Zhiruo could only respond by shaking their heads at the same time.

 Also silent: "Good luck to you."

Ye Zhiruo felt very sorry for her brother, "Mommy, aren't you the boss at home? Isn't the boss the one with the highest say?"

“Humph, I do have the right to speak, but I don’t necessarily have the right to make decisions.”

She had to be more relaxed when facing Ye Xichen, otherwise... she would be the one who suffered in the night!

Ye Zhiruo shook his head and continued to study the game.

Only then did Ye Weiyi remember, "It's almost dinner time."

Ye Zhiruo lowered his head to play the game, his brain was thinking, his fingers were moving, and he could still reply to Ye Weiwei's words at the same time, "My brother was invited into the study by daddy to talk about life. It will probably be a while."

Of course Ye Xichen did not ask Ye Qingfeng in to discuss the matter of being the "eldest member of the family".

The father and son entered the study one after another. Ye Qingfeng, who entered last, closed the door carefully.

Ye Xichen took the lead in sitting on the main chair and asked Ye Qingfeng to sit down, "Sit."

 There is an unwritten rule in their family, which is to know when to joke and when to take it seriously.

Just like he could joke with Ye Xichen downstairs just now, but when he came in, he knew that there was something serious and needed to be taken seriously.

If Ye Xichen hadn't told him to sit down, he would definitely not have sat down casually.

“You know the fact that you won first place in both subjects has a great influence, right?”

 Ye Qingfeng nodded, "I know."

“Your identity and your abilities have already destined you to be extraordinary, but when you do these things, do you already have a complete plan?”

Facing his father's second question, Ye Qingfeng hesitated and shook his head.

 He only knew that he should work hard to be the best and the best person. He had not thought about what kind of person he wanted to be or what he wanted to do.

Ye Xichen also nodded, indicating that he understood his mentality at the moment.

Only then did he begin to tell Ye Qingfeng about the recent impact, "Not only is the school praising you for being interviewed by reporters, but some people even want to find you to appear in various promotional videos. As parents, we won't do this kind of thing." I’ll make the decision for you, but I want you to make one yourself.”

"In the next few years, do you want to be active in the public eye and attract everyone's attention, or are you willing to accumulate strength in the ordinary and wait until you are responsible enough to show yourself?"

 “Daddy, what does this mean?”

 (End of this chapter)

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