My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1387: Isn’t Pan’er your daughter?

Chapter 1387 Isn’t Pan’er your daughter?

The Li family couple returned home and found that their daughter was missing, and they were very anxious.

They were not worried that something would happen to their children, but they were angry, "This Li Pan'er is really going to rebel, and he actually dares to run away!"

At this time, Grandma Li took the weak Li Pan'er back home and refused to let Li Pan'er go back.

Father Li found Grandma Li and said, "Mom, have you seen Pan'er?"

 “No.” Grandma Li gave a direct negative answer.

Father Li was a little suspicious and deliberately walked into the house to take a look.


 “Li Pan’er.”

He shouted several times but no one answered. Grandma Li deliberately kept a straight face, "I told you Pan'er wasn't here, are you doubting me, an old woman?"

“Mom, don’t be angry, I’m worried because I can’t find Pan’er.”

“Afraid, oh, now that you know you are anxious about your daughter, what do you know what to do?”

“Okay, okay, since Pan’er is not here, I will look elsewhere first.”

Father Li probably felt too lazy to bother with the old lady, so he walked out the door without saying anything more.

After confirming that Father Li had left, Grandma Li closed both the front and back doors before entering the room where she usually slept.

This room rarely turns on the lights and is very dark during the day, so Father Li did not come here to check.

Grandma Li made dinner before calling her granddaughter up, "Pan'er, it's time to get up and eat."

Li Pan'er's cold is not over yet. She came back and took a nap after the infusion, and her head is still a little groggy now.

 She hasn't eaten for a day, and her body really can't bear it.

 While eating, Grandma Li actually said that she wanted to feed her, and Li Paner cried at that time.

Grandma is so kind to her, but she can't do much to help her, and she keeps dragging her down.

Sometimes when Father Li scolded her, he would tell her to die without hesitation. Once when she was standing by the pond, she really wanted to jump down and end her life. If she hadn't been thinking about her grandma, she might have done something stupid!

Even though she is small, she actually understands everything in her heart.

 I just don’t have the guts to resist, nor the ability to resist.

Li's parents only care about money, but she doesn't have it.

“Grandma, I’ll go back after eating in a while.”

 “What are you going back for? You are not allowed to go back.”

Li Paner didn’t want to cause trouble to her grandma, and her grandma didn’t want her granddaughter to go back and suffer.

Both of them are thinking about each other, but it's not up to them to make the decision at all.

 “Bang bang bang—”

Father Li and Mother Li knocked on the door together.

Grandma Li asked Li Pan'er to go in and hide, and Li Pan'er half pushed her back to the dark room.

As soon as Grandma Li opened the door, the Li family rushed in and shouted: "Li Pan'er, come out quickly!"

Grandma Li also insisted, "I told you that Pan'er is not here."

 But this time Father Li will not be fooled by her again.

"I've heard it all. If you take Pan'er to see Dr. Wang, Pan'er will definitely be with you."

Father Li wanted to enter, but Grandma Li wanted to stop him. After some arguing and pulling, Grandma Li was obviously in a dilemma.

Li Paner could no longer bear it and walked out on her own.

 “Don’t bully grandma, I’m here!”

"Pan'er..." Grandma Li exclaimed.

Father Li slapped her mercilessly, "Li Pan'er, your wings are **** you!"

 “You treacherous son!” Grandma Li picked up the crutch and knocked it on Father Li’s leg. Father Li took the crutch away with an ouch.

 Because of this action, Grandma Li lost her balance and fell directly to the ground.

  【Grandma may want to...】

 (End of this chapter)

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