My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1390: Li Paner's heart disease

Chapter 1390 Li Paner’s heart disease

 “You’re calling it hard, you’ve eaten so much in vain!”

 “Yes, I’m sorry.”

 “Forget it, I’ll get angry just looking at you.”

It is said that those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. The Li family husband and wife have bad tempers. They are like each other when they are together. Their tempers become worse and worse. It seems that they can vent their sullenness by reciting a few words to others.

Li Paner has become their punching bag.

The Li family's couple only raised her as a pair of dishes and chopsticks, and really didn't spend much money on Li Pan'er.

 But today, Li Paner often feels that she has no strength and no energy, especially feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

 But she did not dare to tell her parents about these symptoms, for fear that she would be scolded again.

Li Pan'er is having a hard time in this family. People in the village feel sorry for her, but they can't help her.

The doctor took a little more care of her and would sometimes check on her when he met her in the village.

 No, it happened by chance again when I went out today.

 “Uncle Ying.”

“Hey, Pan’er, are you going to do the laundry again?”

 “Yes, it’s quite a lot.”

 “Alas…” Doctor Ying really felt sorry for the child when he saw the bucket of clothes.

He took a closer look and saw that Li Paner's face had not looked good recently.

"Pan'er, have you been feeling unwell lately? I see that your face is very pale."


"Don't hesitate. Didn't we agree before? If you feel unwell, just say so. As a doctor, you have to be responsible for the patient."

 The day Dr. Ying mentioned was the day Grandma Li passed away.

Grandma Li didn’t leave anything for Li Paner that day, mainly because she didn’t want her to be forced by Li’s father to take money, but Grandma Li did leave her last words and a little savings in her life.

Grandma Li gave those things to Dr. Ying and asked him to take care of her granddaughter in the future.

 Dr. Ying was really moved by the grandfather and grandson. He agreed to this matter and has been doing his best.

Li Pan'er bit her lip and told the doctor her recent true feelings, "I feel a little unmotivated recently, and sometimes my heart hurts."


 Heart disease can be troublesome.

“Why don’t you take some time to go to the hospital in the city?”

 “Uncle Ying, you are kidding me again.”

 The city...isn't that a place where she can go if she wants to?

Li Pan'er waved to him and continued to wash clothes in the ditch with the bucket.

 Doctor Ying looked at Li Pan'er's thin back and fell into deep thought.

 He wanted to help the child, but was unable to do so.

 He has a family to support, and it is impossible for him to lose his family's capital for the sake of other people's children.

 But Dr. Ying really kept this in mind.

He asked Li Paner's specific condition several times. When he went to a hospital in the city to study, he deliberately asked the doctor about the situation.

However, even specialists cannot make a conclusion based on a few words. Everyone still wants to call people in for examination.

Li Pan'er's illness was just put on hold.

 Finally, she fainted on a snowy day.

Li Pan'er was so painful that she fainted at home and no one noticed her in time. It was because her parents were hungry and wanted to go home for dinner that they took her to the hospital.

 Normally they are reluctant to spend money to see a doctor, but when their child faints, they have no choice but to find a doctor.

“Doctor Ying, look at what’s wrong with Pan’er?”

 Mother Li is really worried.

If this daughter is lying on the hospital bed, who will wash the clothes at home? Who cooks the food? Wouldn’t it mean that a labor force would be lost in vain?

 (End of this chapter)

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