My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1395: Pan'er's fate changes

Chapter 1395 Paner’s fate changes

Doctor Ying sent Ye Zhiruo the address to get off the bus, but Ye Zhiruo actually went there in person.

When Ye Zhiruo asked the driver to drive to the station, the driver was confused, "Miss, what are you doing at the station?"

 “Pick up a friend.”

This is the first time Ye Zhiruo comes to the train station.

The waiting hall of a large train station, but the people inside were scattered around sitting or standing on the ground, making it look very messy.

If you call me at night and no one answers, you can only park the car outside and wait.

 The train arrived at the station, and Li Paner was in a very bad state.

 Doctor Ying contacted Ye Zhiruo only after he carried her out.

Ye Zhiruo was sitting in the car and saw Dr. Ying from a distance.

 Because he was the only one who echoed the characteristics described over the phone.

Ye Zhiruo opened the car door and stood there waving.

 Doctor Ying walked up step by step and felt a little weird when he saw Ye Zhiruo.

 He often comes to the city to buy medicine or study, and has met many city people. But now he realizes that there are many kinds of people in the city.

He heard that Miss Ye was about the same age as Li Pan'er, but he didn't expect to look so elegant.

 “Are you Ye Zhiruo?”


“What’s wrong with Pan’er? Get in the car first.”

 Arrived at the car, Dr. Ying slowly squatted down and put Li Paner down.

 After Dr. Ying and Li Paner got into the car, Ye Zhiruo actually sat in the back seat with them.

Ye Zhiruo looked at Li Pan'er and found that her face was pale and she looked very weak.

Ye Zhiruo held her hand and felt that her fingers were very cold.

 “Looks serious.”

 “Sister Ye.”

  "Okay, okay, don't talk for now. Just sleep for a while. You'll be fine in a while."

Ye Zhiruo is very organized when he handles things seriously, like an adult with mature thinking.

 After appeasing Li Pan'er, Ye Zhiruo directly reported the address of the hospital to the driver.

But the driver hesitated, "Miss, if you go to the urban hospital now, you will be late for the dance studio."

“It’s okay, I’ll ask the teacher for leave, let’s go.”


Although Li Pan'er closed her eyes, she listened carefully to the conversation between them.

 She was very moved in her heart, as if a warm stream of heat filled her heart.

 Doctor Ying did not expect that Li Pan'er would be so lucky to meet such a good and rich man.


Ye Zhiruo had already asked someone to go through a series of appointment procedures in the hospital, and directly arranged for hospitalization after bringing Li Paner to the hospital.

 Doctor Ying always seemed to be hesitant to speak when he was around Ye Zhiruo.

Ye Zhiruo saw through his mind and said, "Mr. Ying, you seem to have something to tell me."

“Ms. Ye, the hospitalization fees in this hospital should be very expensive, right?”

“This is the best hospital in S city, what do you think?”

"Miss Ye, we can't afford that much..."

 Ye Zhiruo shook his head, "Who said you should take the responsibility?"

Doctor Ying said: "Although Pan'er is still a child, she also has her own principles. In fact, she never thought of asking you for help. It was my nephew Fang Yuxi who mentioned your matter that gave us a little hope to find you. In Before coming here, Pan'er said that she must write an IOU with you, and whatever money she spent will be paid back to you slowly in the future, even if it takes a lifetime. "

 The second half of the sentence is Li Pan'er's original words.

Ye Zhiruo understands, but so what?

“So, Mr. Ying, what do you want me to do?”

 (End of this chapter)

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