My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1415: Not shy

Chapter 1415 I’m not shy

 Ye Qingfeng bent down and grabbed her hand, correcting her gesture.

 Li Pan'er's heart is like beating a drum.

 It’s definitely not because of some girlish shyness!

 She was so nervous now that she couldn't care less about being shy.

Since arriving at Ye's house, Ye Weiyi and Ye Zhiruo have been the most enthusiastic towards her, needless to say, Ye Xichen. As for Ye Qingfeng's average attitude towards her, she has always felt that they are not familiar with each other.

Now that Ye Qingfeng suddenly helped her so kindly, it really scared her, didn't it?

However, when Ye Qingfeng wants to do something seriously, he will try his best. He teaches seriously, and Li Paner gradually listens to it.

 In the following time, Ye Qingfeng unexpectedly discovered that Li Paner had a very good sense of music.

Ye Xichen taught her how to recognize the staff. As long as she read the tones of a piece of music from beginning to end, she could remember it firmly in her mind.

Even Ye Xichen was shocked, "So people with good memories still have this kind of ability?"

Ye Xichen and Ye Zhiruo are both people with high IQs. Their memory and abilities in all aspects are excellent, but at this time, he also had to admire Li Paner's shorthand superpower.

 “I’m afraid it’s not a piece of jade…”

 “Brother Ye, what did you say?”

Li Pan'er played seriously and couldn't hear clearly for a while.

Ye Qingfeng shook his head and had another plan in mind.

 The person who loves music the most in their family is Ye Youyi.

"By the way, Brother Ye, didn't you go to learn Taekwondo today? Why did you come back so early?"

 “The teacher is absent from class.”:

Ye Qingfeng answered casually, but he didn’t expect Li Pan’er to really believe it!

“Ah, teacher, can you still do this?”

Ye Qingfeng snorted and reached out to touch her head. Such an action contained a kind of silent doting, which perhaps even they themselves didn't know.


 City center.

 First People's Hospital.

The Li family and his wife were woken up by the cold early in the morning.

 After waking up, I ate some cold cakes and started waiting at the door of the hospital for fear of missing out.

 But they didn’t see any familiar figure from morning until noon. Father Li thought, “Maybe that person is trying to trap us?”

  Li’s mother responded, “What if we missed it?”

 Father Li nodded in agreement, "It's also possible."

 “Let’s go in and take a look now!”

They walked around a few times and finally found the nurse from yesterday.

When asked about this, the nurse remembered, "The attending physician has gone to study and is not in the hospital today."

The Li family's couple felt like a thunderbolt from the blue sky when they heard the news.

"How did that happen!"

 “That’s quite an explanation!”

  Li’s mother was angry at the nurse, “Sister, that’s not what you said yesterday.”

"Doctors' matters are not something that we nurses can ask at will. If you want to find someone, you can either wait a little longer or contact us yourself."

“Hey, why do you talk like this? Why don’t we just ask, what does this attitude mean?”

 “Sorry, I’m still working, and the person you’re looking for is not within my scope of work, thank you.”

This nurse was angry when she "served" Li Pan'er before, and now she doesn't have a particularly good attitude toward the Li family and his wife.

The Li family was stubborn at home, and they couldn't show any skills outside. They muttered and finally had to discuss it among themselves.

They took out the piece of paper with contact information again, and finally called the number on the piece of paper.

That is…

Ye’s only mobile phone number.

 (End of this chapter)

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