My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1423: Those are my parents

 Chapter 1423 Those are my parents

Father Li and Mother Li, who hurried over, stood in front of them at the same time.

 Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng showed no signs of weakness.

“You two, if you don’t give way, we may have to call in security guards.”

  “What’s wrong with the security? We’ve seen our daughter.”

Father Li stretched out his hand to pull Li Pan'er back, but Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng's tacit hands blocked Li Pan'er's way.

Father Li and Mother Li were very lifeless when they saw these two young men protecting Li Paner, and their smiles became brighter and brighter.

 These two look like rich people at first sight! The better they treat Li Paner, the greater the chance of making money!

Father Li and Mother Li felt as if they were seeing golden steamed buns when they saw the Ye family brothers and sisters.

“Pan’er, tell them quickly, we are your parents.”

The Li family couple is anxious to get Li Pan'er to admit his identity.

Li Panerjin bit her lip and lowered her head without saying a word.

 Li Pan'er's reaction obviously made Li's father very dissatisfied. He was used to scolding her, but now he directly forced her with a commanding tone, "Li Pan'er, didn't you hear what I was talking to you? Are you deaf?"

Father Li's words immediately made Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng's faces look even uglier.

Yelling people like this in public, you can imagine how bad he treats Li Paner.

 It turns out that no matter how miserable Dr. Ying’s words were, they were never true without personal experience.

Ye Zhiruo even felt Li Paner's shoulders shaking.

 “He, they, are, are mine…”

Just when Li Pan'er was about to tell the identity of the two people according to Li's father's wishes, Ye Qingfeng held the person to his side domineeringly, "You dare to scare people in front of me, you really don't know what to say!"

With just one eye contact, Ye Zhiruo had already summoned the security guard.

Two uniformed security guards rushed over, and there was no need to ask any more questions. Ye Zhiruo spoke first, "Some people are making trouble in public here. Please ask them to leave so as not to disturb the guests inside."


There was no need for proof at all, the security guards just drove the Li couple outside.

The Li family couple went crazy, "Hey, what's going on with you? I want to take my daughter away, but you have arrested the wrong person!"

“Let us go quickly, I’m looking for my daughter.”

No matter how noisy they were, the two security guards used brute force to drive them out.

"You just listen to a little girl and arrest people randomly. The police station doesn't care. I want to call the police."

"Little girl? Do you know who the two people you just offended are? Go away quickly. If you make trouble again, don't blame us for being rude."

You know, Ye Xichen is a shareholder of this cinema.

Let’s talk about the friendship between the Ye family and other families. If we calculate them together, they occupy more than half of this prosperous business district. Who dares to provoke those two young ancestors!

 Besides, it’s not a good thing to see those two people looking vicious. Even strangers would choose to believe Ye Zhiruo’s words.


 The Ye family couple were kicked out, but Li Pan'er's mood was about to collapse.

 She has been trembling since she saw the Li couple, which shows how scared she is.

Ye Zhiruo comforted her, "Pan'er, it's okay. Let's ignore those people. Can my sister take you to the park to play some games?"

 “Ye, Sister Ye…”

 “Hey, I’m here.”

"Just now, those just now were, were, my father and, and mother." Li Pan'er stumbled to finish the sentence.

 (End of this chapter)

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