My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1429: Pan'er has returned to the countryside

Chapter 1429 Pan’er returns to the countryside

"Don't talk nonsense. Go back and lie down for me."

"Please don't do this again. They don't owe us anything at all. On the contrary, I want to repay the favor."

Looking at Li Pan'er's serious look and serious expression, Mother Li suddenly smiled, but it was a sarcastic smile, "Oh, you **** girl, your wings have grown hard after spending a few days with people in the city? You even learned how to do that?" Are you arguing with us?"

Father Li, who followed, roughly grabbed Li Pan'er's thin arm and took her away towards the ward, "That's it, get in here right away."

But Li Paner was holding on to the door panel and refused to go in.

  Li’s father habitually raised his hand to hit others. A passing nurse stared at them and stopped their rude behavior.

However, Father Li did not forget to warn her, "Be careful. Don't think that I won't dare to hit you because there are many people outside. If you don't obey me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Facing the threat, Li Paner still stubbornly refused to obey the arrangement.

Her heart felt chilly now, and she was getting tired of hearing those cruel words hundreds or thousands of times.

Li Pan'er suddenly looked up at him and said boldly: "If you want to fight, just beat me to death. Then you will no longer be able to benefit from me."

  The sudden increase in momentum startled both the Li family and his wife.

 It’s not that I was scared because I was timid, but I was shocked that Li Pan’er said such a thing.

Shouldn’t these words come from the mouth of the resigned Li Paner?

How dare they slap that slap now?

Father Li's hand raised in mid-air slowly lowered it.

Ye Zhiruo, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene.

She finally saw the changes in Li Pan'er. Even if she goes back in the future, she won't be the same as before, right?

 And they have already thought of ways to help Li Pan'er!

 You Yewei came forward to negotiate terms with the Li family and his wife. They were willing to bear all the expenses for Li Pan'er during his schooling and gave the Li family and his wife 1,000 yuan each month.

When the Li couple heard that there was one thousand yuan, their eyes flashed with gold and they nodded in agreement without hesitation, "Okay, okay, no problem, no problem, we will do as you say."

 Ye Weiwei sat there as steady as a mountain and observed the expressions of the Li family and his wife. Everything was developing within her control.

“Of course, the benefits are not free, I still have conditions.”

"Mrs. Ye, just tell me if you have any conditions, and we will definitely agree!" No matter what the conditions are, as long as you have money!

Ye Weiwei pretended to be casual and said: "Originally I have no time to care about your family's affairs, but my daughter Ye Zhiruo is kind-hearted and wants to help Li Pan'er. As a mother, I don't want to see my child disappointed, so I have no choice but to follow her. You make this deal.”

The Li family couple hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes, we know. Thank you Miss Ye's kindness, thank you Madam Ye."

"But I heard before that you beat and scolded Li Pan'er. The child was almost dying if she didn't have enough food, clothing or warmth. She is not in good health now. Being tired, suffering or angry can induce the disease..." At this point, he paused slightly and said, "I'll start with my ugly words. The one thousand yuan in welfare you received is all because of Li Pan'er. If something happens to Li Pan'er, I will stop supporting your family. Do you understand? ?”



This sound should be a little forced.

 Does this mean to tell them that from now on they will treat Li Pan'er as their little ancestor?

 (End of this chapter)

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