My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1438: will like you more

 Chapter 1438 I will like you more

“Brother Feng, will the moon become beautiful?”

"Of course."

“Does Brother Feng like Yue’er more?”

Bei Jiyue was still thinking about this when she raised her head and cooperated with the doctor to apply medicine.

Hearing the innocent children's words, Ye Qingfeng felt so soft in his heart that he squeezed Bei Jiyue's hand even more tightly and answered her questions honestly.

"Will do."

Ye Zhiruo stood aside and listened and really wanted to clap her hands.

Just now when Ye Qingfeng was whispering to Bei Jiyue, she was standing next to her. She accidentally took a closer look at it a few times. Who knew she could lip read~

 In fact, Ye Qingfeng said something very true just now: "If Yue'er becomes less beautiful, my brother will not like to play with you in the future."

How cruel it is to actually use yourself to provoke Bei Jiyue!

Bei Jiyue's injury was actually not serious. After applying medicine, the pain was gone.

Bei Jiyue refused to let go, so Ye Qingfeng simply picked her up.

At this time, Bei Jiyue's mood has returned to normal. She knows how to thank the doctor and teacher, and also knows how to say sorry to Mrs. Yu.

When she was angry, she didn't care about others, but when she was in a good mood, she was very good at coaxing others. Even if Mrs. Yu had some grudges in her heart, she could easily resolve them.

However, although Bei Jiyue's injury was taken care of, Ye Qingfeng still hadn't forgotten to find the initiator of the incident.

Some things cannot be said to be okay just because the other person is a child. If you do something wrong, you should be criticized, so that people can learn a lesson!

The teacher directly contacted the parent of the child who pushed someone. The parent was a sensible person. He knew that his son had made a mistake by pushing someone in the kindergarten and was injured. While he apologized to them, he also taught his child to listen to him in the future. As a teacher, get along well with your classmates.

With such a thing happening, Bei Jiyue couldn't attend class here today, so she took her home directly.

Bei Jiyue rarely saw the Ye family brothers and sisters when she was in school. Today, when she saw them, she refused to let them go, so Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo simply accompanied her home.

Bei Jiyue ran into her room and took out all her new toys to share.

These toys were too childish for Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, but they couldn't bear to brush off Bei Jiyue's kindness, so they played with Bei Jiyue.

Ye Zhiruo stayed in the room for half an hour and then ran away alone, leaving Ye Qingfeng and Bei Jiyue to continue their dealings.

 Children’s minds are very simple. She only knows what she likes and is willing to share it with the people she likes. They think this is a happy thing.

Bei Jiyue walked around the room and suddenly took Ye Qingfeng's hand and said mysteriously: "Brother Feng, I wrote you a letter!"

“Really? Yue’er can write letters.”

 How can a five-year-old child write letters even though he cannot write well?

When Ye Qingfeng was curious, Bei Jiyue took out a blue envelope and handed it to him, "Look, this is the letter."

Ye Qingfeng stretched out his hand to open the door. Bei Jiyue quickly took his hand and said, "Brother Feng, don't look at it now."

 “Okay, don’t look now.”

After a while, Bei Jiyue handed another pink letter into his hand and told him that it was for Ye Zhiruo.

Ye Qingfeng asked curiously: "How many letters have you written and who are you going to send them to?"

Bei Jiyue probably didn't forget to count them after she finished handing them out: "I gave them to mommy, daddy, grandma, brother Feng, and sister Ruo."

 From childhood to adulthood, there are only a handful of people who have penetrated into the heart of Bei Jiyue.

 (End of this chapter)

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