My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1449: She can't breathe

 Chapter 1449 She was almost out of breath

At the only moment when Ye stretched out his hand to hug Li Pan'er, the windbreaker he was wearing spread out in an arc in the field, as if Li Pan'er's small body was hidden in it, which made people feel more at ease.

The moment he hugged the child, Ye Weiwei's tears could no longer stop flowing from the corners of his eyes, but a smile appeared on his face.

She hugged the child tightly and whispered in her ear: "Nuan Nuan, Mommy finally found you."

 The sound of a sentence fell, as if the dust had settled.

Li Pan'er was confused by Ye Weiwei's actions.

 She struggled in Ye Youwei's arms, "Aunt Ye, you, please let me go first."

“No, Mommy found you with great difficulty. Mommy will never let you disappear from my eyes again. Nuannuan, don’t leave Mommy again in the future.”

Ye Weiyi still held the child tightly, for fear that he would lose the child if he let go.

 But Li Pan'er already felt a little uncomfortable.

Ye Xichen noticed that Li Paner's breathing was getting heavier and stopped Ye Weiyi's behavior in time, "Youyi, let go, she is almost out of breath."

Hearing the words that might hurt the child, Ye Youyi quickly let go of the child.

 Li Pan'er was freed.

 Ye Qingfeng, Ye Zhiruo and others have already surrounded them.

Du Heng and Fang Yuxi were both shocked...

 How did these two people do it? What devilish speed? In the blink of an eye, we were ten meters away from them.

 Ye Weiwei could no longer care about other people. At this moment, all he could think about was Li Pan'er.

She reached out to take Li Pan'er's hand, but Li Pan'er immediately avoided it.

 Ye Weiwei showed a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Li Pan'er quickly raised her hands and explained to her, "Aunt Ye, my hands are very dirty now."

Those small hands were originally supposed to be slender, but in winter they had become red and swollen due to frostbite, and were stained with a lot of soil from doing farm work.

Ye Weiwei shook her head and held her hands without mind at all.

“It’s okay, it will never happen again. Mommy promises that I will never let you suffer at all in the future.”

 “Mommy?” Li Paner read this title and had no idea what it meant.

 At this time, Mother Li had already chased after her.

Mother Li originally wanted to see if Li Paner had carried the sweet potatoes back, but she didn't want to go around to the edge of the field and find such a large group of people. When she got closer and took a closer look, she saw that they were still rich people in the city!

Mother Li wiped her hands on her clothes twice, and her expression immediately changed, as if she was a different person.

She walked over with a smile on her face and greeted the Ye family warmly, as if she had met some old acquaintances, "Hey! Isn't this Mrs. Ye? Are you out as a family?"

Ye Xichen frowned, his expression was very subtle, maybe he could not help but kick Mother Li away in the next second!

Mother Li had not seen Ye Xichen when she was in the city before, but now that she saw the tall, handsome and impressive man standing next to Ye Weiyi, she thought to herself that she had indeed met a rich family.

 At first glance, it looks like he is rich and wealthy!

Thinking of this, Mother Li's expression became very ugly, "This is Mr. Ye, you guys..."


Mother Li wanted to say something else, but Ye Weiwei interrupted her directly.

One of her hands was still holding Li Pan'er, and she stepped forward to stand in front of Li Pan'er and face Li Pan'er face to face.

 “Not only did you not listen to what I said before, but you only made it worse.”

 (End of this chapter)

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