My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 145: The day the umbrella was stolen

Chapter 145 The day the umbrella was stolen

 The conflict between Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen was clearly explained, but not completely resolved.

 But you still have to take classes every day.

 “Xiao Li, I see you are in a bad mood? What’s wrong with you?”

 “I had a little conflict with my brother.”

“What? We had a conflict with your brother. What’s the reason?”

  “…” She didn’t want to say.

Every time he had a conflict with Ye Xichen, Ye Weiwei would become less interested in everything around him.

Gong Qianli once said that it was not good for her to be like this and that Ye Xichen had too much influence on her.

 However, she has not yet learned to be free and easy.

 Perhaps you will never learn.

Ye Weiwei has never been willing to share things about himself and his brother with others, and Arinomiya Qianli is no longer the occasional person to talk to.

But An Ruan seemed to be particularly interested in their affairs and kept asking about Ye Xichen.

“Tell me about your brother, and I’ll help you think of a solution.”

“It’s normal for brothers and sisters to have tantrums, but we still need to find a solution to the problem as soon as possible, and it’s best to be amicable, otherwise it will affect the emotions of both parties.”

 “Xiao Li, please tell me.”

Facing An Ruan's successive questions, Ye Wei kept shaking his head and finally sighed, "Ruan Ruan, thank you for your concern, but this is my own matter and no one can help me."

If she said that the outbreak of the quarrel was caused by An Ruan Natong leaking the phone call she made at Su Yichen's house, would An Ruan blame herself?

  She is not kind-hearted enough to be nice to everyone, but in this school, An Ruan is the best person to her so far.

 She also needs to be a little more careful.

It's just that she just wants to keep her brother's matters private.


 As autumn passes, the temperature gradually drops.

It has been raining continuously for several days. I have to bring an umbrella with me every day when I go out in case of emergency.

 School was over that day, and the raindrops outside the window were loud.

 “Xiao Li, did you bring an umbrella today?”

“Hmm, I’m taking it with me. You go first.”

 “Okay, see you tomorrow.”

 Because today is Ye Dui's turn to be on duty, and he has to wait until all the students have left to start cleaning.

 She and her classmates assigned cleaning areas, first sweeping the floor and then mopping the table, which took about half an hour.

 “I’ve finished cleaning here, let’s go.”

 “I’ve finished wiping it here too.”

Because Ye Weiwei has never done these things before, she is considered a beginner and is very busy with cleaning. She is not as skilled as other students and is too embarrassed to be lazy.

 So after other students had finished scanning, she continued.

Other students gradually left the classroom, leaving her alone, and finally finished cleaning.

 Put on your schoolbag and close the classroom door.

She went to get an umbrella from the window sill outside, but found that the place where her pink transparent umbrella should have been hung was empty.

 “My umbrella?”

 Her umbrella is missing!

 What the hell!

what's the situation!

  It was originally placed here every day, but today she disappeared at the end.

She was sure that she had used her umbrella in the morning, so there was no doubt that it had been taken away.

   "天..." I never thought that such a thing would happen in school.

 You must know that in "Xingyao" Academy, theft will never happen.

 She felt lost for a moment, but soon, her mind turned around and a great idea came to her mind.

She happily opened her phone and sent a message to Ye Xichen, who responded instantly.

 The haze in Ye Weiyi's heart disappeared instantly.

Of course, if she had not met Su Yichen at the school gate, she would have been happier...

 (End of this chapter)

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