My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1469: Used to like another man

Chapter 1469: I once liked another man

"I understood my feelings a long time ago, right? I have wanted to confess to you for a long time, but you kept rejecting me, and you kept whispering in my ears how much you liked other men!"

It's okay if you don't mention it, but it's just old accounts once you mention it.

Gong Qianli's heart rang with alarm bells, and she laughed and said, "It's all in the past, so don't mention it. Let emotional matters take their own course, hahaha, just calm down."

Gong Qianli could find all kinds of excuses and reasons to blame Nangong Luo for other things, but she regretted the fact that she liked Gu Chengxi!

 Actually, she didn't really like her in love at first, it was just an obsession that was formed when no one knew her own feelings, but now it has become dark history!

Gong Qianli refused to mention that dark history because it was too embarrassing.

Afraid that Nangong Luo would continue to mention it, she quickly took out her phone and shouted a few words in her friend group, asking them all to come and see Mo Xiangnuan.

Yu Anran's cell phone was in Bei Jiyue's hand. Bei Jiyue was playing games seriously when she suddenly saw a pop-up voice message and clicked on it. When she played it, it happened to be in loudspeaker mode. Gong Qianli's The sound was so clear that it could be heard throughout the room.

Bei Jiyue didn't quite understand what she meant by "nuannuan", but she understood and wanted to go to Yejia!

Bei Jiyue immediately put the ongoing game behind her, ran out with her cell phone in hand, calling her mommy as she ran.

Hearing Bei Jiyue's urgent voice, Yu Anran thought something had happened to her baby, so she hurriedly found it, and Bei Jiyue just happened to throw herself into her arms.

Before Yu Anran could say anything, Bei Jiyue couldn't wait to hold her in her arms and said, "Mommy, let's go to Brother Feng's house to play!"

Bei Jiyue raised her phone. Yu Anran took it over and was shocked!

  After sending a message to Bei Ye who was working overtime at the company, Yu Anran took her daughter directly to Ye's house.

Han Xingye, who is far abroad, is curious.

But his official performance is tomorrow, and he can't make it back today. He can only rely on sending messages in the group to ask for warm photos and live videos.


 Ye Qingfeng was seriously discussing with Nangong Yu about the etiquette competition.

Ye Qingfeng needs to hand over a reasonable plan, and Nangong Yu can give him a lot of good suggestions in this regard.

  The two of them were taking care of business seriously during the vacation!

The plot of YY in the hearts of the people downstairs has no idea at all.

 In fact, among the children in their family, Nangong Yu is the one with a delicate heart. She always has a clear understanding of what she wants to do.

 She likes Ye Qingfeng as if he is her brother.

Ye Qingfeng is also a little gentleman who loves his sister very much, so whether it is Ye Zhiruo, Nangong Yu, or the little loli Bei Jiyue, they all like Ye Qingfeng because he is very gentle to the people they care about.

“Yu’er, I guess you can become the leader of the etiquette class when you are in the second grade of junior high school.”

 “That’s not possible, if my sister is much better than me.”

“You don’t have to be humble in front of me. Let this plan be as it is for the time being. If you have any new ideas, let me know at any time.”


 Ye Qingfeng has just finalized a draft of the planning document, click Save.

Hearing some movement outside the window, Nangong Yu opened the curtains and took a look. Sure enough, a familiar car was approaching.

 “It seems like someone is here again.”

 (End of this chapter)

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