My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 147: A hug will stop you from being cold

Chapter 147 A hug will stop you feeling cold

Ye Xichen, who was holding an umbrella, was about to pass by Su Yichen when he suddenly stopped.

Ye Weiyi twisted his fingers as he took in this scene, his heart rising to his throat!

Ye Xichen wouldn't throw an umbrella and beat up Su Yichen, right?

The three of them had their own thoughts, as if the campus had become a battlefield, filled with invisible gunpowder smoke.

Ye Weiwei's fingertips turned white, and his eyes were locked deeply on Ye Xichen.

At this moment, a bunch of random thoughts came out of my heart: Shouldn't Ye Xichen pick her up without looking away? What to stop for! And why doesn’t Su Yichen leave?

Su Yichen was not as mature as Ye Xichen, who had been exposed to society earlier. Seeing that the better Ye Xichen was, the more he wanted to compare, and he even looked provocatively at Ye Xichen.


Just such a movement made Ye Xichen take steps again and climb up the stairs in the only direction of Ye.

Ye Weiwei's eyes seemed to be filled with a faint light, and he quickly held Ye Xichen's hand, "It's raining and it's very cold. Let's go to the car quickly."

"Is it very cold?" Ye Xichen naturally held the girl's soft and white hand, holding an umbrella with one hand, and holding her in his arms affectionately across her back with the other hand.

Ye Weiyi smiled and shook his head, "It's not cold now!"

That natural and coquettish tone is so innocent.

The two of them are like this, knowingly forgetting the previous quarrels, and when they need each other, they will appear as soon as possible.

Ye Xichen drove attentively, and Ye Weiyi sat in the car leisurely, with his hands on the back of the car seat, and his dark eyes staring at Ye Xichen's back.

Ye Weiwei thought about it and decided to find a topic on his own, "Brother Chen, is this your new car?"


 “You can drive yourself, that’s awesome, I want to learn too!”

 “Go and learn when you are an adult.”

Ye Weiwei raised his neck and asked again: "But it's still a long time since I reached adulthood, why can't I learn now?"

Ye Xichen seemed to be staring at the route ahead very attentively, and answered without squinting: "Minors are not allowed to drive."

 “Oh.” Ye Weiwei puffed up his cheeks dissatisfied.

Who really wants to learn to drive? They just use this as an excuse to get Ye Xichen to answer "I'll teach you".

 It would be really boring to ask her to apply for a driving school when she is an adult.

Ye Xichen made it clear that she was being cold-blooded. She clung to the seat and did not dare to touch the driver casually.

Ye Xichen didn't talk to her, so she had to have fun by herself, looking up and down the new car.

As for cars, she had seen all kinds of good cars, but there was nothing to worry about.


Just when she was about to sit back out of boredom, her eyes suddenly locked on a certain place.

 In a small drawer for storing things in front of the car, there was a pink box, about the size of her palm.

A pink box appeared in Ye Xichen's new car. There was no doubt that it was something Ye Xichen bought.

All of Ye Xichen's hobbies are straight men's series. He personally does not like such pink and tender things, while Madam Ye prides herself on being graceful and noble, and likes deep and majestic eyes.

Only she will like this color!

 A small pink bubble popped up in Ye Weiyi's heart. Could this be a gift for Ye Xichen to settle the feud with her?

 “Wow.” She covered her mouth and let out a small chuckle.

 He took a peek at Ye Xichen's still stern profile, and decided to pretend he didn't see it, hoping to wait for Ye Xichen to send it out on his own initiative!

Knocking on the blackboard on Chinese Valentine’s Day: Please remember the contents of this powder box

Thank you for the tip, little cutie Xia Tian



 (End of this chapter)

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