My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1473: I don't want him anymore!

 Chapter 1473 I don’t want him anymore!

 “Mommy, I want to go home, I want to find my daddy, I want my grandma.”

Bei Jiyue Gai took Yu Anran's arm and shook it constantly while stomping his steps.

Her movement made Gong Qianli look back. Gong Qianli didn't know what Bei Jiyue was thinking, so he reached out and called her over, "Yue'er, come here and give me a hug."

Bei Jiyue pouted and walked over. Gong Qianli picked her up and sat on her knees, "What's wrong with Yue'er? Who made us Yue'er unhappy?"

 “Yue’er is not unhappy.”

Gong Qianli tapped her chin with her finger, "Look, your little mouth is so pouty that it can hang a teapot."

Bei Jiyue said firmly, "I want to go home."

Gong Qianli was naturally unwilling to let her go, so she could only coax her, "It's so lively with all of us here. When Yue'er goes back, no one will play with you."

Speaking of this, Bei Jiyue felt even more aggrieved. She muttered in a low voice, "No one here plays with me."

Gong Qianli grinned slightly, turned to look at Ye Qingfeng, and suddenly nodded in realization, "Oh~ Yue'er is jealous?"

 “No!” Refuting without hesitation is tantamount to admitting.

“Can I help you call your brother Feng over to play with you?”

 “I don’t want him anymore, hum.” He said no, but his clever eyes kept turning and betrayed his emotions.

 In fact, there was no need for Gong Qianli to shout out, Ye Qingfeng had already noticed this.

He originally thought that Bei Jiyue was just looking for adults to act like a spoiled brat, and maybe he would come over to play later, so he ignored her and taught Mo Xiangnuan how to play checkers with Ye Zhiruo.

"Nuan Nuan, when playing checkers, you can't just think of using other people's pieces as bridges. You have to learn to build bridges for yourself. This is the safest way."

The three people's chess pieces were a little confused on the chessboard. This was Mo Xiangnuan's first time playing this kind of game. She had a general understanding of the rules of the game, but she was not as proficient in playing it as Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, so she had to adjust the position of the chess pieces when they jumped. The layout thinking is somewhat lacking.

Sometimes I am blocked by other people's chess pieces, and sometimes other people's chess pieces just leave. Just like in life, sometimes you can't just rely on others, because you are the most trustworthy!

However, Mo Xiangnuan learns things very quickly. After one game, he almost mastered the gameplay and was even able to think about it.

At the end of the game, Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo were tied, and Mo Xiangnuan missed two moves.

“Come again, I feel like Nuan Nuan will be on par with us after two more games.”

“You two play first, I’ll go look at the moon.”

 “Okay, go ahead and go.”

Ye Zhiruo waved his hand and quickly started placing the chess pieces.

While placing the chess pieces, he talked to Mo Xiangnuan about ordinary things, "It's a pity that Yu'er left because of something. You don't know her. She is good at everything, but she is lacking in games. I don't know why." ”

It is undeniable that Nangong Yu is excellent, both in terms of EQ and IQ, but I don’t know why, when I see a game about chess, I feel like my head is in a daze, my eyes are all blurred, and I can’t even think and calculate! Mingming Gong Qianli is very good at chess, but her daughter knows nothing about it.

Everyone said that Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli were probably responsible for Nangong Yu's birth... It's really puzzling that two people with active personalities could raise such a gentle and good girl!

“Sister, tell me about sister Yue’er.”

 (End of this chapter)

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