My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1480: Mo Xiangnuan, I will never play tricks on you again.

Chapter 1480 Mo Xiangnuan, I will never play tricks on you again.

On the third day that Mo Xiangnuan was hospitalized, she met an unexpected person.

 “Uncle Ying?”

Mo Xiangnuan looked at the man in a white coat who suddenly appeared in the ward with a look of shock, because this man was none other than Ying Zhicheng!

 But what makes her curious is why Dr. Ying appears here? He was also wearing a white coat with the hospital logo.

"Pan'er...oh no, Nuannuan, how do you feel now?"

 “I’m fine, thank you Uncle Ying for your relationship, but Uncle Ying, why are you here?”

Doctor Ying couldn't help but laugh when he mentioned this, "Thanks to you, our whole family has moved to the city, and I have passed the examination of this hospital and will work here in the future."

 “Really? That’s awesome!”

 Dr. Ying can be considered a good person and is rewarded well. With Gu Chengxi's support, and since he is a man of real talent and learning, he has a bright future.

On the fifth day of hospitalization, Mo Xiangnuan saw a few unexpected people coming to visit her. They were the boy Lu Yu who had snatched her necklace at school and made her sick.

Lu Yu and his parents actually came back to the hospital every day. They just waited for five full days before Ye Weiwei relented and let them come in for a visit. In fact, it was to win over Mo Xiangnuan's Yuen Long.

Mo Xiangnuan was a little angry at first, but since Lu Yu had a good attitude towards admitting his mistakes, Mo Xiangnuan couldn't lose his temper.

When Lu Yu's family jointly asked Mo Xiangnuan to forgive Lu Yu, Mo Xiangnuan had no choice but to tell them, "I'm fine, as long as you don't do this again next time."

“Mo Xiangnuan, I will never play tricks on you again.”

 “Okay, then I forgive you.”

Hearing the words of forgiveness from Mo Xiangnuan himself, Lu Yu's family breathed a sigh of relief. Now their son would not be expelled from school.

Ye Weiwei was peeling fruit for Mo Xiangnuan beside her, and she was very "concentrated" on it. She didn't say a superfluous word from the beginning to the end.

Before leaving, the Lu family specially said a few words of apology to Ye Weiyi. Ye Weiyi was still peeling the fruit and pretended not to hear.

 When all the Lu family members left, Ye’s only fruit platter was ready!

 “Baby, eat some fruit.”

 “Thank you, Auntie Ye.”

 “You’re welcome.”

Maybe he couldn't change his tune for a while, and Mo Xiangnuan still hasn't called Ye Yeyi "mommy" loudly, but Ye Yeyi has slowly accepted it, because she always felt that she owed Mo Xiangnuan fourteen years, and she believed As long as you continue to persevere, your daughter's heart will slowly grow closer to her!

 On Saturday, most people were free and came to visit Mo Xiangnuan, and the ward was almost full.

Now Mo Xiangnuan finally realizes what it means to be surrounded by stars and holding the moon. That feeling is really too subtle.

 She would answer seriously when everyone spoke to her, but the one that concerned Mo Xiangnuan the most was the little Loli Bei Jiyue.

The biggest problem she has encountered since she returned home and has yet to be solved is how to get Bei Jiyue to accept her, a new girl who has just arrived!

Yu Anran suddenly pulled Bei Jiyue to the bed and said, "Yue'er, didn't you say you had a gift for sister Nuannuan yesterday afternoon? Take out the small gift and give it to sister."

At first hearing what Yu Anran said, Mo Xiangnuan couldn't believe it.

Bei Jiyue did not respond, but opened the bear bag she was carrying.

 (End of this chapter)

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