My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1487: She is the person I hold dearest to my heart

Chapter 1487 She is the person I hold dearest to my heart

Bei Jiyue didn't yell or make a fuss, she just hid in Ye Qingfeng's arms and cried aggrievedly, because those people's words made her very insecure!

Ye Qingfeng said anything to make her happy, and the way the two got along once again refreshed the world view of others!

In order to alleviate this embarrassing situation, the people who had deliberately teased her just now also followed her wishes and said nice things to apologize, "Don't worry, I will help you keep an eye on him from now on and make sure he doesn't like anyone else. Don't Is it okay to cry?”

"Yeah, if you keep crying, we will definitely be retaliated by Ye Qingfeng later."

 Finally, Bei Jiyue burst into laughter.

But Bei Jiyue still ignored them, because in Bei Jiyue's eyes, these were strangers!

 Children's emotions come and go quickly. Not long after crying, his mood returned to normal. He was like a person who had nothing to do and didn't remember anything at all.

However, today this matter is deeply imprinted in other people’s memories.

“Ye Qingfeng, I think you’re such a girly girl that you won’t have to marry a wife in this life.”


 While others were preparing for the next activity, Ye Qingfeng had already decided to take Bei Jiyue home.

 When he got home, Bei Jiyue began to become active again.

 Ye Qingfeng thought about what happened today and what his friends said. This is what he thought...

These sisters have been known to him since he was a child, and they occupy a pivotal position in his heart. If his significant other really appears in the future, it should not be able to outweigh the importance of his sisters in his heart. After all, time has accumulated. The feelings cannot be easily erased!

Just like Bei Jiyue, he watched this little girl grow up with his own eyes. From babbling to toddler, he participated in every stage of Bei Jiyue's growth after she came into this world!

How could he not care about such a meaningful person and love him in his heart?

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo were in the same school and in the same grade. She quickly heard about it from her friends and was able to send messages to tease her brother.

Ye Qingfeng silently wrote down this account and asked them to wait and see after school starts!


 Winter vacation time flies by quickly, and in the blink of an eye it’s the beginning of school again.

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo were busy with the tasks assigned by the student union teacher, and were called back to study and deal with matters related to the start of the semester a few days before the start of the semester.

Nangong Yu, who did not seek fame or fortune, waited until school started to go.

 At the beginning of the new semester, the teacher has not mentioned changing seats yet.

Seeing his deskmate again after a month, Nangong Yu couldn't help but think of the ginkgo leaf bookmark.

But she acted as if she didn’t know anything, and didn’t ask or say anything.

At the same table, Jiang Yuran looked at her several times and stopped. In the end, she did not say that it was broken. Nangong Yu spent three days before school.

 The teacher started to talk about changing positions, and Nangong Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 But her deskmate Jiang Yuran couldn’t remain calm!

He checked his grades and found that there were too many people in the class who wanted to be at the same table as Nangong Yu. Based on his grades in the last final exam, he definitely had no chance.

 Having been his deskmate for a semester, Nangong Yu might forget about him if there was a new person.

So, Jiang Yuran couldn’t help but plan to do something...

 He placed another ginkgo leaf in Nangong Yu’s book.

 (End of this chapter)

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