My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 149: The cherry hairpin was given by Ye...

Chapter 149 The cherry hairpin was given by Ye...

 “This hairpin of yours is very pretty…”

Ye Weiwei stared at the cherry hairpin on Li Moer's head, and made a sudden comment about it.

Li Moer touched it with her fingers, "This hairpin is from Ye..."

 She seemed to be worried about something in the middle of her words. She glanced at Ye Youyi quickly, interrupted her sentence mid-sentence, and changed her words: "It was given to me by someone else."

Just now he clearly said the word "Ye", and then seeing the uncontrollable joy in Li Mo'er's eyes, Ye Weiwei trembled in his heart.

Ye Weiwei bit his lip and pretended to be nonchalant and asked: "Li Mo'er, what are you doing here?"

Ye Weiwei stood at the door, holding the doorrail with one hand, with no intention of inviting Li Moer in.

Li Moer pretended to glance into the room and bluntly stated the purpose of coming here, "I came to see Brother Chen. I wonder if he is here?"

 Brother Chen…

When this familiar name came out of someone else's mouth, Chang Ye only felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard it.

Ye Weiwei lowered his eyes, covered the twinkling pupils in his eyes, and replied lightly: "Not here!"

Li Moer asked relentlessly: " you know where Brother Chen has gone?"

 Ye Weiwei curled his lips and said, "I don't know."

"Oh, okay then." Li Mo'er stopped asking, but added nonchalantly: "Brother Chen is not at home. I think you have such a good relationship that he might have come to see you."

Ye Weiwei stared at Li Moer intently and asked, "What are you looking for him for?"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Li Moer's mouth, "I have something to do, but I can't tell you, it's a secret."

It was the only time Ye could clearly see Li Moer's every move when she spoke, and even observed her every expression, and found that Li Moer, who was suddenly brought home by Madam Ye, was similar to herself in many places!

She didn't know if this was a coincidence, but she now realized very clearly that this Li Mo'er was here to steal Ye Xichen from her!

Absolutely intolerable!

“Tsk.” Ye Weiyi put his toes against the door and sneered, imitating Ye Xichen’s usual tone, “Since it’s a secret, why can’t anyone be found?”

Li Moer's eyes darkened, but he did not start a fight with Ye Weiyi. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and softened his tone, "I'm just asking...Ye Weiyi, don't you want to be like this."

how is she?

 Have she done anything excessive or acted like she was being bullied?

Ye Weiwei thinks this Li Moer is really weird!

They are both about the same height, and when Li Moer lowered his head, the bright cherry hairpin in his hair was clearly visible in front of Ye Weiwei.

 This is undoubtedly the most effective way to irritate Ye's only mood!

Ye Weiwei's eyes turned sharp, and his usually soft-spoken voice became more serious, "I'm just telling the truth. Even if I knew where Brother Chen is, I would never, never tell you!"

 She raised her eyebrows, which was a clear declaration of war with Li Mo'er.

 Declaring sovereignty, she would not give up Ye Xichen to anyone else as her brother under any circumstances.

Li Mo'er obviously didn't expect that Ye Weiwei, who everyone said was weak and easy to bully, would be so capable in front of her.

Li Mo'er's face turned slightly pale, "Youyi, you seem to be hostile to me?"

 “Humph.” Ye Weiwei did not hide his dissatisfaction with her.

Li Moer asked calmly, "Why? Brother Chen is not yours alone. You can't be so selfish. I'm also his sister. I'm good with him. Shouldn't I?"

 “You are not!”

The war between women is about to break out. What attitude do you want Little Lingdang to adopt towards Li Moer? ?

I misremembered the 31st day of this month on Qixi Festival, so I won’t publish the list of winners for this month’s sign-in post until tomorrow. Please pay attention to update the chapter.



 (End of this chapter)

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