My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1491: boy on the street

Chapter 1491 The boy on the street

"Who are you?"

When Du Heng came out of the house, Mo Xiangnuan recognized him at a glance!

Du Heng has grown taller again, but his appearance has not changed. The expressions and movements on his face are still the same as those of the big brother next door in her memory.

 “Brother Du Heng, long time no see.”

"Who are you?"

Du Heng always felt familiar when he heard her title and that voice. He didn't react for a moment, and stared at Mo Xiangnuan twice, thinking of someone but not being completely sure, "You, are you Pan'er? "

Hearing the name again, Mo Xiangnuan did not reject it, but nodded.

But she needed to clarify, "Brother Du Heng, my name is Mo Xiangnuan now, you can call me Nuannuan."

“Yes, you are no longer Li Paner.”

The fact that Mo Xiangnuan found his biological parents was considered a miracle. After all, the world is so big and they met even though they were so far apart.

Mo Xiangnuan and Du Heng sat together and talked about what happened during this period.

 Ye Ziwei asked people to stay outside to ensure the safety of her daughter.

 Du Heng’s life was nothing special for ten years, while Mo Xiangnuan’s life became rich and colorful.

Du Heng learned from her that people living in this world are not just about making money and working, but also have many interests and hobbies to make themselves better.

"Nuan Nuan, you are really different now than before. I didn't even recognize you. You have become so beautiful!"

 At least it is completely different from before.

Mo Xiangnuan smiled shyly.


“Look, your tone of voice has changed now. It’s really the environment and life that changes a person.”

 “I just want to get better.”

"You're so lucky. If I...forget it, I won't have any big dreams. If my parents find out, they'll have to pull my ears!"

“Uncle Du and Aunt Du are very kind to you, you don’t have to envy me.”

Each family has different expressions of family affection. Considering the financial foundation of the Du family, the Du family and his wife doted on Du Heng very much.

“By the way, brother Du Heng, I brought you a gift this time. Just wait a moment and I’ll ask someone to bring it.”

Mo Xiangnuan prepared many gifts. She couldn't carry them herself, so she left them outside, with bodyguards in charge.

Mo Xiangnuan went out to get something, and Du Heng didn't just sit still. He followed her out and saw her calmly saying a few words to those people, who were very respectful to her.

This made Du Heng truly realize that Mo Xiangnuan's appearance and clothing had not only changed. She was no longer the girl who was cautious when speaking to others.

Mo Xiangnuan’s life will be bright and bright in the future.


Du Heng specially kept them, but Mo Xiangnuan still refused.

She still remembered that Ye Weiwei once stayed here for one night and she felt completely uncomfortable. She didn't want her mother to suffer for pampering her.

But it was getting late now, so they went straight to find a place to stay after coming down the mountain.

Ye Weiwei started to report the situation via video to Ye Xichen, and asked her daughter to keep her safe in front of the camera.

Mo Xiang Nuan showed his face and left tactfully.

 She doesn’t want to stay there and listen to mommy and daddy!

It’s a rare trip here, so Mo Xiangnuan plans to go out for a walk.

She walked around the street with her bodyguard, and finally bought pastries at a cake shop, intending to take them back to Ye Weiwei to share. Halfway through, she met an old man sitting on the ground begging for money, and she kindly left the little cash she had with her.

  When he was about to leave, he turned around and went back. His eyes fell on a boy sitting next to the old man, and he finally handed over a piece of cake in his hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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