My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1494: She envies her sister

Chapter 1494 She envies her sister very much

“Mo Xiangnuan, this time our class has to select a dozen people to appear in the show, so I just wrote your name on it.”

The words of the literary and art committee member were what the teacher wanted, and Mo Xiangnuan didn’t even have a chance to refuse.

Mo Xiangnuan has performed very well since entering school. Her basic knowledge is not solid, but she has been working hard to learn and make progress.

 Among this group of rich second generations, she is the kind of obedient student that the teacher likes most.

But when he knew he was going to perform on stage, Mo Xiangnuan sighed repeatedly.

 Although she has performed here on behalf of poor primary schools before, now she really doesn’t want to appear in front of so many people in her school.

 Because her brother and sister are so outstanding, they are like the brightest stars blooming in the sky.

 Unlike her, she is only praised for her well-behaved character and behavior.

 After returning to Yejia, almost no one dared to bully her, but she has always been a little inferior.

“Mo Xiangnuan, do you have any ideas about what kind of show we should put on?”

“I don’t know, do I have to sign up to participate in the show with everyone?”

 “Hey, don’t you like group activities?”

“No, I just didn’t think about it…”

“Your brother and sister are the hosts every year, why don’t you also run for office? Then you don’t have to participate in group activities.”

 “I can’t do it…”

"Don't be modest. If I had brothers and sisters like Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo protecting me, I would even want to walk away in this school."

 "Really, haha." Even Mo Xiangnuan himself didn't know how embarrassing he was laughing these two times!

Those who know her and know her identity will most likely mention her brothers and sisters in front of her and praise them.

  She quite agrees with what those people said, because it is something to be proud of that her brother and sister are so outstanding.

 The lack of praise will also bring a little psychological pressure to her. She always feels that she is lacking a lot, a lot.

 What kind of show is she going to put on?

 During lunch, Ye Zhiruo accidentally mentioned the school anniversary planning book.

Mo Xiangnuan also told her about his registration, but he was not sure yet what to do.

Ye Zhiruo is very open-minded, "You can do whatever you like. Don't you like playing the piano? You can also go to a performance and play the piano."

Mo Xiangnuan had to remind: "We are doing QAQ as a group activity."

Yezhiruo patted his head and said, "Look, I'm confused. Since it's a group activity, let's wait until the art committee of your class arranges it. It's just singing, dancing or performing a skit or something."

“Sister, she looks so plain. Isn’t the school anniversary very important?”

"It's important, but our school holds many activities a year, and every time we have to write a plan, I can recite the process with my eyes closed." People like them, who help teachers in the student union, accumulate experience through practice, The passion is also gradually wiped out because of the lack of freshness.

 But Mo Xiangnuan was still envious, "Those who are capable work hard. This shows that my sister is awesome."

 “Be good. If this is definitely a problem for you, just don’t sign up.”

Such casual words reminded Mo Xiangnuan of the joke made by his classmates: If I had brothers and sisters like Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, I would definitely walk sideways in school!

 But, “But I have already signed up.”

"If you can't refuse, just listen to them. It's a group activity anyway. Sister, I still have some things to deal with, so I'll leave now. You can go back to the classroom after you finish."

 (End of this chapter)

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