My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1497: One white cover three ugly

Chapter 1497: One white thing covers three ugly things

 “I, I feel a little uncomfortable...” Since I lied, I might as well just follow the lie to the end.

Ye Weiwei became anxious immediately. He pulled her and asked her what was wrong, and even called for a doctor.

Mo Xiangnuan felt that he was really dizzy to make such an excuse in front of Ye Weiwei!

Ye Weiwei has always attached great importance to her body. He will not suspect her of lying, but rather attaches great importance to it.

Mo Xiangnuan grabbed her and said, "Mommy, I'm sorry, I'm fine."

“Don’t be brave. If you feel uncomfortable, just say, honey, sit down first, and someone will come and take a look at you soon.”

 “I’m really fine, I lied.”

Mo Xiangnuan's lie was exposed by himself in minutes.

The mother and daughter calmed down to talk. Ye Weiwei just wanted her daughter to talk to her, "Nuan Nuan, you have something on your mind, right? You can tell me anything you have to say. We are a family."

Mo Xiangnuan’s heart was beating very fast.

 In fact, she has been trying hard to catch up with them since she returned to Yejia, but only now she realizes that she is different from them after all.

 Environment and time can change a person. She has been separated from this excellent family for fourteen years, so she can't integrate just because she wants to. Although everyone is kind to her, she still has low self-esteem and lacks self-confidence.

Even if she learns the same piano and takes the same lessons, she still cannot become someone like Ye Zhiruo.

The lively school anniversary has nothing to do with him, and he is not even in the same good mood as when he came to Aige College last year.

Mo Xiangnuan had many things on her mind, but she didn't even know where to start.

 The only thing that was good to her in the night was her luck, and it was also her burden.


 After a long period of persistence, the frostbite on Mo Xiangnuan's hands was finally treated. It's good that the winter is not over yet.

 But the so-called good thing is that it will not be the same as in previous years. There are still frostbite marks on my hands.

Ye Weiwei took her to the hospital to use laser to remove the traces. Mo Xiangnuan carefully protected his hands.

That day, the doctor called her to visit her home and asked her to meet old acquaintances.

 Over the past year, Dr. Ying’s medical attainments have continued to improve, and his family life has also undergone great changes.

Mo Xiangnuan happily agreed to the appointment, and when he arrived, he realized that it was Du Heng and Fang Yuxi who were here.

Fang Yuxi came to visit relatives at his uncle's house, and he brought his friend Du Heng with him.

 Having not seen each other for more than half a year, they have both changed a lot.

Du Heng almost didn’t recognize Mo Xiangnuan when he saw him.

 “It is said that one white skin covers three ugliness, but Nuan Nuan looks really good now.”

“Du Heng, you really can’t speak. Nuan Nuan has always been a very cute girl.”

Mo Xiangnuan used to have dark skin, but now that he has taken care of it, it will naturally get better.

“Yes, I was wrong. Nuannuan has always been cute.”

  “I’m already flattered to hear brother Du Heng’s praise.”

“Look, Nuan Nuan is joking with us now.”

Du Heng even discovered that Mo Xiangnuan's change was from the beginning to the end, from the inside out.

Du Heng and Fang Yuxi brought things from their hometown, "This is for uncle, this is for Nuan Nuan."


 “The Chinese food pickled by my mother is very delicious with rice!”

Mo Xiangnuan nodded and said casually: "Forget it, give it all to Uncle Ying."

 Because she has to take care of her body, and because her diet needs to be strictly controlled, three meals a day are arranged in specific ways.

“Let me just say, Nuannuan is not in need of these things now.”

 (End of this chapter)

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