My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1504: rebellious boy

 Chapter 1504 The rebellious boy

Han Qi's expression looked a little reluctant, but he followed the shopkeeper's instructions and handed over the juice and placed it in front of Mo Xiangnuan, "Here you go, juice."

Mo Xiangnuan looked at him doubtfully, "Ah, I didn't order any juice."

"She asked me to give it to you." Han Qi pointed at the shop owner with a helpless expression on his face, without even looking at Mo Xiangnuan.

Mo Xiangnuan went to thank the shop owner with a cup of juice, while Han Qi sat aside and played a game with his legs crossed.

Mo Xiangnuan sat over again.

 She didn’t know whether the boy just now was impatient with her or if it was just his character.

Just out of curiosity, Mo Xiangnuan glanced at Han Qi a few more times.

Han Qi's insight was very keen. When Mo Xiangnuan looked at him, he gave him a sideways look, and Mo Xiangnuan avoided his gaze in shame.

  It’s embarrassing to look at other people secretly, but it’s so embarrassing to be caught right now!

 “What are you looking at!”

"Yes, I'm sorry." Mo Xiangnuan really wanted to write the QAQ emoticon on his face to show him how innocent he was.

Han Qi snorted and turned his attention to the game again.

That game is not the usual popular game of chicken or king, but a game that tests thinking ability and operation ability.

Mo Xiangnuan felt that the page looked familiar when she saw it, because she had seen Ye Qingfeng play it before, and it took Eri Er three days to complete the level.

At that time, Mo Xiangnuan also accompanied Ye Qingfeng to read the general process.

At this time, Han Qi was stuck at a level, and Mo Xiangnuan hesitated to speak. Seeing him fall off the cliff and die three times due to wrong choices, Mo Xiangnuan couldn't bear to speak: "Two spaces on the upper left, lower right and left Go three squares and go up..."

Mo Xiangnuan said, Han Qi actually dared to follow her instructions, and he didn't expect that he would pass the level smoothly!

Han Qi was finally willing to raise his head and look at Mo Xiangnuan.

"You can?"

Mo Xiangnuan didn't know whether to shake his head or nod. He thought about it carefully before replying: "I don't know either, because my brother has finished the game and I have finished watching it."

 Because she has a very good memory and almost has a photographic memory for that kind of thing, so she will remember the steps to clear the level after seeing Ye Qingfeng play it. If she plays it again, it will be tantamount to cheating.

 So she didn’t know whether she could pass the level on her own.

Mo Xiangnuan’s answer was really honest.

Han Qi turned around and continued playing the game.

 When he clicked on the game loading page, he couldn't help but glance back at Mo Xiangnuan and saw her biting her straw in a daze.

Han Qi couldn’t help but frown.

 He felt vaguely familiar, but he really couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Mo Xiangnuan couldn't drink any more of his glass of juice halfway through. He bit his straw in a daze and decided to go back to school after thinking about it.

 “Thank you for the milk tea and juice, I’m going back to school first.”

“Walk slowly, a good girl should study hard!” the shop owner encouraged her, while Han Qi still sat there tapping his legs and playing games.

Mo Xiangnuan waved to them.

At the moment, the only person brought here tonight has already started looking around, and will soon reach this milk tea shop!

The only phone call that night she received from the head teacher said that Mo Xiangnuan was frightened when she ran out of school. She was afraid that she would lose her daughter again. At that time, she asked Ye Xichen to lead people over and started looking for her from the school gate. Don’t let it go anywhere!

Mo Xiangnuan didn’t avoid them on purpose, so when Mo Xiangnuan just stepped out of the door, he saw Ye Weiwei!


 (End of this chapter)

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