My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1509: Mo Xiangnuan reported on Han Qi and was arrested

Chapter 1509 Mo Xiangnuan reported on Han Qi and was arrested

 “What? He ran away from home again, this kid!”

 “Why did you just tell us!”

“Okay, I will send someone to look for you.”

 Ye Weiwei was answering the phone nearby, and he didn't sound very happy.

Mo Xiangnuan had just come out of the room after finishing his homework. He vaguely heard something but didn't know the reason.

Ye Zhiruo, who happened to be sitting in the hall eating melon seeds, had already listened to the whole story. Mo Xiangnuan asked curiously: "What's wrong with Mommy? What happened?"

“He is not just Uncle Han’s precious son, he has run away from home again.”


 “Yeah, that one can be considered a god.”

Seeing Mo Xiangnuan's confused and cute look, Ye Zhiruo waved to her and asked her to sit next to her and tell her about Han Qi.

“Uncle Han is quite far away from us, so you haven’t met him yet, but the relationship between our two families is also very good.”

 “Hmm, I heard mommy talk about it.”

"Yes, that's them. Uncle Han has a son who is very precious. We might have seen him once or twice a year before. He was quite funny when he was a child, and he was very obedient when he was with us. Originally, he was a good boy, but he didn't I thought about how I would drift away when I grew up. I ran away from home once last year, and finally found someone in another city. Some time ago, I ran back to my hometown in S City. This time I was even more courageous. I ran away for three days. did not find."

 “Ah, I’ve been away from home for so long.”

“Yeah, so Mommy was very angry when she just found out the news.”

 “Why is mommy so angry?”

If you are anxious because your friend’s child has run away from home, this feeling is completely understandable, but angry? Why are you angry? This confused Mo Xiangnuan.

 Ye Zhiruo pursed her lips and was silent for a while, "The reason is a bit complicated."

 The fact that Han Qi has not had a mother since he was a child has always been taboo.

Although the adults were trying their best to hide it, two bystanders, Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, had already discovered some clues and followed the clues to learn something about what happened back then. However, the adults kept silent about it and even found someone. There was a good reason to hide Han Qi's secret, so the incident back then couldn't be mentioned.

Facing Mo Xiangnuan's doubts, Ye Zhiruo explained it with a careless sentence, "That's it, because Mommy and Han Qi's mother and father are both very good friends, but Han Qi's mother has already passed away." , Mommy is more concerned about Han Qi, you know? "


Mo Xiangnuan nodded.

Recalling Mo Xiangnuan's words, she suddenly thought of something!

 “Han Qi…”

 “Han Qi?”

"Yes, Han Qi is Uncle Han's son. The name is quite nice, isn't it?"

“No, I saw a boy named Han Qi at the milk tea shop today.”

 “It can’t be such a coincidence...”

 Ye Zhiruo couldn't help but sit up straight.

 Twenty minutes later, Ye Weiwei, the three brothers and sisters of the Ye family and two other bodyguards felt that Han Qi had been successfully captured at the milk tea shop outside the school!

Mo Xiangnuan never expected that such a coincidence would happen to him.

When the only one holding Han Qi walked past her that night, she felt that Han Qi glanced specifically at her, with some anger in his eyes.

Mo Xiangnuan bit his lip subconsciously, lowered his eyes, and his heart beat faster.

It feels as if I betrayed my teammates by cheating on myself...

 (End of this chapter)

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