My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1515: Deliberately embarrass her

Chapter 1515 Deliberately embarrass her

 “Can you do this?”

 “Violin, I have learned some basics before.”

 “What about this?”

 “Honghou, I haven’t learned it yet.”

Mo Xiangnuan and Han Qi inexplicably brought the topic to music, and then they realized that each other’s hobbies and strengths were actually music!

Perhaps they resonated with each other because they shared common interests. Han Qi's attitude toward Mo Xiangnuan changed a lot.

The two of them came to the piano room together, where there were many musical instruments. Han Qi immediately pointed and questioned Mo Xiangnuan.

Mo Xiangnuan knows those things but has not yet been exposed to them all, because this year she mainly studied piano and some basic music scores.

But it was also now that Mo Xiangnuan discovered that Han Qi knew a lot!

Han Qi all knows the musical instruments here and knows all the extended knowledge related to the musical instruments.

When Han Qi and Mo Xiangnuan explained the origins of those musical instruments or related events, Mo Xiangnuan listened very carefully.

The conversation between the two was not like children playing house, but a pleasant exchange between a teacher and a student. It seemed that they could suddenly reach a common ground at the spiritual interface!

 “Come here, I’ll tell you this…”

"Wow. Han Qi, you are so awesome, how come you have so many things!" The amount of knowledge in Han Qi's mind was simply what Mo Xiangnuan wanted to achieve.

Han Qi snorted, "I was born and grew up with music, what do you think?"

His father Han Xingye is a world-renowned musician. He has also been exposed to music since he was a child and has a strong sense of music, so he has been able to recognize all musical instruments very early.

It’s certainly not a problem to memorize the knowledge related to musical instruments over the years.

Han Qi unknowingly revealed what happened at home, and when he looked at Mo Xiangnuan, his eyes were filled with admiration for him, "It's so awesome."

“You can do it if you study hard.”

“Yeah, I’ll study hard! I like music very much, and mommy said I’m very talented.”

"You believe this." Han Qi didn't believe it, because he felt that Ye Weiwei deliberately said that she had talent to make Mo Xiangnuan happy.

But Han Qi has a venomous mouth and doesn't care so much when he's quarreling with others.

"You don't believe me." Mo Xiangnuan was unconvinced.

Han Qi shrugged, the meaning was obvious.

 “Then I’ll play it for you.”


 “You order a piece of music.”

 “Random spot?”

"Yeah!" Mo Xiangnuan was already feeling a little nervous, but her response was still firm!

Han Qi raised his lips and smiled, as if he had an idea, "Okay, since you said so, it really can't be justified if I don't cooperate, so let's sing "Islame"."

“Huh? Islame, known as the eighth most difficult piano piece in the world?”

 “That’s right.”

 That’s right, he deliberately caused trouble for Mo Xiangnuan!

Mo Xiangnuan has only been studying for a year, and he must not have been exposed to such difficult music. Han Qi did this on purpose.

 Mo Xiangnuan is usually weak in other things, but when it comes to music, she is unwilling to admit defeat. Now that Han Qi has spoken, she wants to give it a try even if she doesn’t know how to do it!

Searching for the music score on the spot and printing it out, Mo Xiangnuan began to quickly memorize every melody and beat.

Her amazing memory talent emerged, and she quickly had a general understanding of the score.

 “How long do you want?”

 “It’ll be ready soon!”

Mo Xiangnuan placed the music score in front of the piano and began to audition.

 (End of this chapter)

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