My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1518: Take advantage of her!

Chapter 1518 Take advantage of her!

Facing Han Qi’s teasing, Mo Xiangnuan left!

 “My brother and sister should be back.”

 She glanced at the time and left the piano room.

 Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng were sitting face to face doing homework.

Mo Xiangnuan walked over and took a look. The quiet atmosphere between the two made her unable to bear to disturb them.

When Mo Xiangnuan stared at the scene of Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo getting along, she always had a very subtle feeling in her heart.

The feeling is hard to describe, it’s not jealousy, it’s a little envious, and there’s something else.

They were originally triplets, but only Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruoda were synchronized from birth. They learned knowledge together, cultivated their favorite hobbies together, and became better together. Even when others praise them, they praise them together with their names.

It should be said that Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo are brothers and sisters that everyone envies.

 But there is no her.

Maybe it’s because she didn’t work hard enough, maybe she was willing to be ordinary, maybe, maybe it was because she was unlucky that she was lost for more than ten years.

She thought in her heart more than once, if she had not been taken away, would she be like Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo now? She was thinking again, if it was not her but one of Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo who was taken away, would their roles be reversed?

 “Hey, Nuannuan, you are here.”

Ye Zhiruo's greeting brought her thoughts back to reality.

Mo Xiangnuan frowned, raised his head and smiled, "Well, are you doing the questions?"

“Yes, the teacher gave me a lot of homework, which made me very troublesome.”

Hearing Ye Zhiruo's complaint, Mo Xiangnuan moved his eyes to the few papers and textbooks under her hand. There were indeed quite a lot of them.

“So much, how long will it take?”

"It won't take long. My brother and I will divide the work and work together. Each of us will take half of the work. When we're done, we'll just copy each other."

 So it’s good to have brothers and sisters of the same age. Even things like homework can be divided.

It’s really rare for someone to be so candid about copying homework at home!

“Brothers and sisters, come on, I’ll make you a fruit platter.”

 “It doesn’t have to be so troublesome.”

"It's okay, my homework is done anyway!" Mo Xiangnuan answered confidently.

Mo Xiangnuan is really the kind of good student that the teacher loves most in school! Students who study hard, get good grades and, most importantly, are obedient are the three best students in the teacher's mind.

As a good student, the first thing she does when she comes back from school is to do her homework. She must finish her homework before going back to rest.

 So she finished all her homework on Friday!

Mo Xiangnuan volunteered to make a fruit platter and just took it out when he met Han Qi halfway.

Han Qi stood in front of her with both hands.

Mo Xiangnuan stared, "What are you doing?"

“Sister Nuan Nuan is very diligent. She even gave me fruits when she knew I was tired from teaching me to play the piano.”

 “Hey, this…”

Before Mo Xiangnuan could explain, Han Qi had already picked up the money stuck on the fruit, poked a few of them and put them in his mouth to taste.

Fresh fruit is certainly delicious.

 He commented sincerely: "Tsk, it tastes pretty good."

  After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand again. Mo Xiangnuan immediately retracted his hand to protect the fruit on the plate, "You can't eat any more, this is for my brothers and sisters."

Han Qi: "You didn't tell me earlier."

 “You didn’t even give me a chance to speak.”

"Okay, take it and cut it for me."

When Han Qi said this, Mo Xiangnuan's eyes had already fallen behind him...

 (End of this chapter)

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