My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1524: Leave Han Qi behind

Chapter 1524 Let’s keep Han Qi

Han Qi finally knows what it means to shoot oneself in the foot!

"Mo Xiangnuan, you have nothing to do. I don't need your teaching."

That day, Mo Xiangnuan was "kicked out" by Han Qi as soon as he entered the house.

Han Qi made it clear: People from Mo Xiangnuan can enter, but books cannot!

 The two of them got into a fight for no apparent reason!

The two stood at the door, one outside and the other inside, still arguing.

Mo Xiangnuan said: "No, what you have started cannot be abandoned halfway."

Han Qi raised his hands to block the door, "Are you bothered?"

 “If you don’t let me bring the book in, I will! I will!”

“Oh, if I don’t let you, what will you do?”

Han Qi is so arrogant, Mo Xiangnuan can only... overcome strength with softness!

She looked left and right, and finally sat down at the door, vowing: "If you don't study, I will sit here with my book and wait for you until you are willing to study!"

Han Qi was startled, "Damn, that's too cruel!"

Han Qi has traveled around with his father since he was a child, but the girls in the circle he came into contact with were all more... reserved.

If this action were left to Ye Zhiruo and Nangong Yu, they would definitely not do it.

 But Mo Xiangnuan not only did it, he did it very naturally and didn't care about anything else at all.

 “Mo Xiangnuan, don’t be so dishonest!”

 “Obviously you only talk but don’t do anything. This is not good.”

 “What do you want?”

Mo Xiangnuan raised the book in his hand and smiled naturally, "I'll help you with your tutoring."

Han Qi acted very determined, but in the end he still gave in!

 “How much do you want me to tutor?”

 “Just wait until you can complete the test questions independently.”

“…” Han Qi almost couldn’t help but tell her that that was impossible!

Mo Xiangnuan happily placed the textbook on Han Qi's desk, and took the trouble to explain to him the examples he had studied for three days.

 Han Xingye, who came to visit his son, happened to see this scene and was almost moved to tears!

The brat in his family studied math problems seriously at night for the first time in his life.

Han Xingye couldn't bear to disturb him, so he came and left secretly.

But before he left, he was caught by Ye Weiwei!

“Han Xingye, when do you plan to take your son back?”

 “No, can you bear to drive him away?”

 “Of course not.”

"I think it's good for my Qi'er to be let into your home. I feel relieved, so I'll let him stay for a little longer."

  …I see it.”

 Is there anyone who is such a father? Just throw your son into someone else's house.

Although, she is not someone else.

“Actually, I ask you this because I want to tell you something.”


"I don't know what happened to Nuan Nuan and Qi'er. Recently Nuan Nuan has been helping Qi'er make up classes. I'm thinking that Qi'er doesn't want to go back, but I can't let him do nothing every day. Since he has fun with Nuan Nuan, why not Send him to Nuannuan's class for the time being."

 Ye Weiwei was really worried about Han Qi.

Even though he is not her biological child, it is the only bloodline of her good friend Xia Xiyun, and she cares about it very much.

Han Xingye thought about it seriously and nodded in agreement, "I have no objection. I will deal with it tomorrow."


 In this way, Han Qi’s miserable life was decided so simply.

At this moment, Han Qi doesn’t know that he is even tricking Mo Xiangnuan into playing games together!

“Mo Xiangnuan, let me help you level up. You will reach full level soon.”

 (End of this chapter)

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