My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1530: Cheating

Chapter 1530 Cheating

“Han Qi, I want to tell you something.”

 “Say something quickly.”

  "That's it, that,"

 “What the hell?”

“I just want to say that there is an exam tomorrow, and one of the questions is the type I taught you just now.”

 At first glance, Han Qi had not yet reacted.

He will understand after he filters what Mo Xiangnuan said in his mind!

Han Qi looked at Mo Xiangnuan in surprise, "Are you trying to help me cheat?"

Mo Xiangnuan blushed with embarrassment, "It's not cheating, I just want to remind you!"

 She also discovered it accidentally when she was helping the teacher in the office.

 She didn't intend to cheat with that, but her memory was so good that she memorized it at a glance.

She had no intention of telling others these words, but when she saw Han Qi like that, she couldn't bear to push him!

Moreover, she only said the reminder and did not tell Han Qi the data and results. This is not considered cheating, right?

Mo Xiangnuan didn't dare to expose more after much deliberation. She had no choice but to remind, "Anyway, you should read and review carefully and try to do better in the exam."

  But Han Qi didn't understand her thoughts. Han Qi was very casual about test scores. "What can I do if the test is so easy? Then the scores can't be used as food."

Mo Xiangnuan looked up at him and said, "But if you do well in the exam, others will be proud of you."

"Hum." Han Qi sneered and couldn't help asking: "Why should I spend time and energy to do well in the exam just to make others proud of me?"

This sentence was really depraved, but she actually felt that it made sense from Han Qi's perspective.

Mo Xiangnuan still tried to persuade Han Qi in a formal way, "Han Qi, you can't think like this. We should work harder and study hard."

 Knock on the blackboard and study hard!

Han Qi shrugged. Judging from his casual appearance, he really didn't take the exam that other students took seriously.

Mo Xiangnuan thought about it over and over, and finally threw out the temptation.

"If you can pass, I can take half an hour to rest during evening tutoring." After saying that, he felt that the intensity was not enough, so Mo Xiangnuan also added a sentence to poke at Han Qi's hobby, "We can play together. game."

 You can play games after half an hour's rest, which makes Han Qi, who is "sleepwalking", very happy!

 He smiled and didn't say anything more, but Han Qi was already aroused for the next exam!

 It's just that his fighting spirit is somewhat different from what Mo Xiangnuan wants.

Han Qi used to get low scores or turn in blank papers because he didn't care about those tests and scores, but when one day he needs to use these test scores to do something, he will do whatever it takes!

On the day of the exam, Mo Xiangnuan was as nervous as ever, for fear of getting many questions wrong.

Han Qi was still unable to answer as before, but this time he at least pretended to get something done in exchange for the agreement with Mo Xiangnuan.

 The test results came out and Han Qi really passed!

 Not only did he pass, but he also exceeded it by many points. It can even be said that this is the best result he has ever received in his life!

 Because Han Qi had just transferred here and others didn't know much about his past achievements, so they didn't suspect anything. The Hanfu she was wearing matched her figure very well, perfect!

Han Qi went to Mo Xiangnuan with the paper and said, "Mo Xiaonuan, see if I meet your requirements this time!"

But Mo Xiangnuan was a little unhappy.

 (End of this chapter)

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