My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1532: cold war

Chapter 1532 Cold War

 The two have different ideas and cannot reach an agreement.

Han Qi felt that Mo Xiangnuan was trying to get into trouble, but Mo Xiangnuan felt that Han Qi had problems with his behavior and work!

 Now it’s just cheating in school exams, but what about in the future?

Mo Xiangnuan was very curious about Han Qi's attitude towards his current life.

 “At our age where we should be learning, do you only like playing games?”

“…” Han Qi was really speechless.

Mo Xiangnuan felt the coldness in his heart.

 She thinks that what she should do at this age is to study hard and grow well, or it may not necessarily be learning knowledge from books, but also other things she likes.

 But those things should be done to make yourself better, rather than to be content with the status quo and become more degraded.

Mo Xiangnuan lowered his head in disappointment and asked again: "Han Qi, do you only like playing games?"

"No." He is not a game fan, but apart from experiencing the joy of victory in the word game competition, there is nothing else that can arouse his fighting spirit.

 “Then what do you like?”

"I don't know either."

 “If you don’t know what you like, why not try to learn it?”

“Mo Xiaonuan, are you trying to trick me again? Although I don’t know what I like best, I can tell you clearly that I don’t like studying.”

Mo Xiangnuan bit his lip and stopped talking.

Mo Xiangnuan and Han Qi began to enter the real Cold War period.

Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng came back from the competition in the next city. Both of them were carrying large and small bags of things, and they were obviously in a good mood.

Ye Zhiruo couldn't wait to take out the gift and show it to Mo Xiangnuan, "Nuannuan baby, come and have a look. My sister bought you a lot of gifts when she was shopping. Come and see if you like it."

"And mine." Ye Qingfeng also directly pushed out all the gifts he prepared for Mo Xiangnuan to choose from.

 “Thank you, brother, thank you, sister.”

 In this family, Mo Xiangnuan is everyone's favorite.

  I am too soft to receive gifts and too soft to open them, and I can’t even fit them into my room.

However, Mo Xiangnuan was not in a hurry to open the gifts, but diligently ran to pour Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng a glass of warm water for them to drink.

“Brother, sister, did you two have a good game over there?”

“Of course, there’s nothing we can’t do with our help!”

 “Hee hee, my brother and sister are so awesome.”

Ye Zhiruo couldn't help but reach out and poke Mo Xiangnuan's face twice, "Oh, my Nuan Nuan's little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

 In recent times, Mo Xiangnuan's little face has become more and more rounded.

It’s soft and round, and I just want to pinch it.

“By the way, where is Han Qi? Why didn’t you see him? I heard from mommy that he will stay in S city during this period.”

 “He’s in the room upstairs.”

“Then go and tell him to come down. I’ve also prepared a gift for him, so he can come down and get it.”

"I, okay." Although during the Cold War, Mo Xiangnuan didn't want to refuse his sister's request, although it was not a mandatory requirement.

Mo Xiangnuan went to Han Qi's room and knocked on the door. Unexpectedly, the door opened immediately!

Before Mo Xiangnuan could react, the door had opened, and Han Qi was standing in front of her, only twenty centimeters away.

 “Han Qi, you…”

"I am here."

“Well, my sister and brother said they brought you a gift and asked you to go down and get it.”

"how about you?"


 (End of this chapter)

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