My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1547: Silly Nuannuan

Chapter 1547 Silly Nuannuan

 “It’s really you!”

Mo Xiangnuan was very happy to see Han Qi.

The two were about to stand outside when they suddenly saw a middle-aged woman holding a book walking into the classroom from the front door. After entering, she began to ask everyone to be quiet.

 “The teacher is here!”

Mo Xiangnuan has been timid in front of the teacher since she was a child. Now when she saw the teacher entering the classroom, her hands shook.

Han Qi didn’t say anything more and just asked her to go in. “You go get the book first and I’ll wait for you outside.”

Mo Xiangnuan nodded, but actually his heart was already a little wandering.

 She has never felt that it takes so long to publish a book!

Mo Xiangnuan looked back at the back door of the classroom, but Han Qi, who was standing there, had disappeared.

After handing out the books, the teacher began to tell them the same words to encourage learning. Mo Xiangnuan couldn't listen. She originally wanted to get the books and run away, but she didn't expect the teacher to be so eloquent. He kept telling them about it. A matter of learning.

Mo Xiangnuan sighed helplessly and lay on the table.

 “The classmate in the third row by the window!”

 The teacher seemed to be calling the roll, but Mo Xiangnuan was so distracted that he didn't hear it.

Suddenly she felt the person next to her poking her, and Mo Xiangnuan reacted.

 The teacher had already walked up to her side and said, "Classmate, are you sick?"

After being called on by the teacher, Mo Xiangnuan stood up as if to answer a question. Mo Xiangnuan felt very embarrassed, biting his lips and speechless.

The teacher seemed to be a more serious person. She pushed up her glasses and continued to talk to everyone, "It's not even the start of school yet and you are so inattentive. I know what I said is a bit long-winded, but it's all for your own good. You have to Remember to keep these words in mind, it will definitely be useful to you in the future.”

Mo Xiangnuan didn't dare to sit down when she wasn't told to sit down. She probably had been a good student for a long time, so being criticized by the class teacher as soon as she entered the classroom really made her feel a little uncomfortable.

I don’t know how long it took, but the teacher’s speech finally came to an end.

Mo Xiangnuan's deskmate tugged on her sleeve and softly told her to sit down, "Sit down first, it'll be okay."

Mo Xiangnuan hesitated for a while and then sat down.

The teacher didn't say anything, probably because he didn't care.

Now Mo Xiangnuan was sitting in her seat, her consciousness still clear. She was afraid of becoming the focus of everyone again.

“Okay students, today’s education is over. Tomorrow is the beginning of study. The teacher hopes that you can show your best spirit to meet the challenge!”

  "Bah, bang, bang, bang." There was continuous applause in the classroom.

Seeing that the teacher was about to leave, Mo Xiangnuan packed all his things together. As soon as the teacher left, she ran out, but she didn't see Han Qi.

Mo Xiangnuan stood in the corridor and looked around. The students in the classroom were leaving one after another.

 She lowered her head and played with her mobile phone to send a message to Han Qi and asked, "Where are you?"

Suddenly she felt someone pat her back. Mo Xiangnuan looked back and saw that it was not the person she wanted to see!

 “Han Qi!”

Han Qi raised his hand and waved to her, saying hello in a relaxed tone, "Hey Mo Xiaonuan, long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

 “Do you miss me?” Han Qi suddenly asked a question.


 “Tsk, it’s been a year, why do you still look so stupid?”

Mo Xiangnuan: "..." Come on, we met two years ago. It has been a year since the last time we met, and Han Qi is as naughty as before.

 (End of this chapter)

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