My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1561: How dare you be arrogant in front of me?

Chapter 1561 How dare you be arrogant in front of me?

Mo Xiaonuan really couldn’t complain about Han Qi’s operation.

“Han Qi, it’s not good for you to say bad things about others secretly.”

"I don't care whether she is good or not. I only know that I am not good. Mo Xiaonuan, you are partial. I am also your friend, but you have never been so serious about giving me a gift!"

 After doing this for a long time, it turned out that some tsundere was jealous.

“Then I’ll make money to buy it for you next time, okay?”

"Obviously we met first, why should you buy her a gift and put me in the back? Mo Xiaonuan, you are just partial, you said yourself that we are friends, you can't do this!"

 All in all, all in all, Han Qi started asking for gifts blatantly!

Mo Xiangnuan thought for a long time and then called out to him: "You are just squeezing!"

 “Mo Xiaonuan, you’ve been so naughty lately.”

 “I’m not jealous, I just recognize you clearly.”

"Come on, you dare to be arrogant in front of me, but you don't know how to be cowardly in front of others."

Mo Xiangnuan: "..." Do you know that it's not good to hold it in your heart? Why expose her!

 The final result of the agreement was that Mo Xiangnuan wanted to prepare a gift for Han Qi. Mo Xiangnuan planned to divide the money earned over the weekend into two parts, one for Han Qi and one for Yu Meihui.

But after thinking about it, there were so many people who were kinder to her than Yu Meihui, so should she buy gifts for her parents, brothers and sisters first?

 “It’s over…”

 Mo Xiangnuan has another headache!

The one hundred and twenty yuan she earned so hard was not enough to buy so many gifts. She had no choice but to save the money and start looking for a part-time job.

 Because of this incident, her rest time was taken up, and Yu Meihui refused when she asked her to go out to play.

Mo Xiangnuan's range of activities was relatively small. After searching around, the owner of the off-campus bookstore finally called her in.

“Nuan Nuan, are you looking for a part-time job again?”


“Last time you said you wanted to buy gifts for your friends, wasn’t the one hundred and twenty yuan enough?”

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head, "I thought about it, there are many people who are better to me than my friends, including my parents, brothers and sisters. I have to prepare a lot of gifts, so I have to make more money."

 “What a good boy.”

Mo Xiangnuan was a little shy after hearing the compliment.

The boss pointed to the bookshelf and said to her: "Look over there, there are many people reading and selecting books and then placing them randomly. You should be responsible for organizing the bookshelf, and I will calculate your salary in the same way."

 “Really!” Mo Xiangnuan’s eyes lit up.

Mo Xiangnuan met a good person, and her boss asked her to help out whenever she had time, and her salary was calculated on time.

Mo Xiangnuan insisted on going for two weeks.

 She packed her things in advance and prepared to leave after class, but this time Yu Meihui broke into their classroom directly to find someone.

“Nuan Nuan, what’s wrong with you recently?”

 "I've been recently? Nothing happened." Mo Xiangnuan didn't understand what Yu Meihui meant, and she was still a little confused.

Yu Meihui took a deep breath and asked repeatedly: "Then why have you refused all my invitations recently? Aren't we friends? Or is it because I did something bad that made you unhappy?"

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head after hearing this, "No, no, I have something to do recently so I don't have time to play with you."

 “Okay, then tell me what you have been doing recently?”

 “Well, this…” There should be a surprise when giving a gift. She was not very good at saying it now.

Mo Xiangnuan thought for a while but did not say directly, "It's just a bit of a personal matter. It will be fine after a while."

 (End of this chapter)

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