My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1564: Mo Xiangnuan is angry

Chapter 1564 Mo Xiangnuan is angry

Mo Xiangnuan returned to the bookstore part-time, and on the same afternoon, Yu Meihui approached her again.

“Nuan Nuan, you are still here.”

Mo Xiangnuan held the book in his arms, paused slightly, and continued to put the scattered books back on the bookshelf. He turned his back to Yu Meihui and replied: "Yes, make money."

"Oh, don't do it. Didn't I tell you yesterday? You are the third young lady of the Ye family. You can't do these things. I do it for your own good." Yu Meihui came over to drag her again, but this time she was stopped by Mo Xiang Nuan avoided.

 “I like doing this, and Daddy and Mommy won’t be angry.”

"You really don't know what to say. Do you think your brothers and sisters will do these things? They have been pampered since childhood. Now you should enjoy all your own rights when you go home. Although we are a bit unlucky, as long as we come back If you go to that family, you should change your life!" Yu Meihui became more and more serious as she spoke, as if positioning herself as an educator and instilling what she believed to be correct concepts into Mo Xiangnuan.

Mo Xiangnuan answered her calmly: "My life is already very good, I am very content, and I don't remember what else needs to be changed."

Yu Meihui frowned and asked, "Don't you want to be known to everyone and become the center of envy like your brother and sister?"

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't have that many ideas. I just want to be able to do what I like."

"Mo Xiangnuan, why can't I explain it to you! You will destroy yourself if you do this!"

 “Do you really care about me?”

Yu Meihui was stunned for a long time by this unexpected reaction.

Mo Xiangnuan is still the weak person with a good temper, but why does the sentence just now feel different in his ears?

"Of course I care about you." Yu Meihui subconsciously took two steps forward and gently grabbed Mo Xiangnuan's hand, making the two of them look like very good sisters and friends.

“We are not friends, that’s why I care about you and worry that this matter will have a bad impact on you.”

Yu Meihui said it so sincerely. If she hadn't heard Yu Meihui's discussion with others before, she might have been really moved.

Whether it was Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen or Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, they all told her rationally that as the third young lady of the Ye family, she needed to be cautious when making friends. She felt that she was careful enough to treat every relationship. But it turns out that she still trusts others too easily and cannot understand others.

“I want to make it clear to you once again that I come to the bookstore willingly, and my parents will not scold me for this. Can you understand me?”

"Even as a friend, you can only make suggestions for what others are doing, rather than interfere."

 These two flowers were left here, and Mo Xiangnuan's face looked extremely ugly.

Yu Meihui realized that she was really angry again, and she was a little confused, as if she didn't know what to say.

"Nuan Nuan, what's wrong with you?" Why are you so angry all of a sudden?

Yu Meihui wanted to ask, but facing Mo Xiangnuan like this, she suddenly felt a little afraid.

  It feels as if one's own mind has been exposed.

"Nuan Nuan, don't be angry. I'm just worried about you. If you have to stay here to work part-time, be careful not to let your family know."

 “Okay, I thank you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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