My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1582: he is very gentle

 Chapter 1582 He is very gentle

 “Alas, sad.”

 After Zhu Yue had such thoughts about Ye Qingfeng, she met Ye Qingfeng again in the examination room.

 The examination room in their school is different from many other schools. Many other schools arrange classrooms according to their scores, but their school assigns them randomly by computer.

Zhu Yue and Ye Qingfeng had never been together before, but this time they were so destined to be together, at the front and back tables...

Zhu Yue's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate when she saw Ye Qingfeng. The feeling as if she was about to jump out of her chest was really amazing.

 But they have exams!

 Fortunately, the essence of being a top student is still there. Even if he is multitasking, he is still sure of getting the exam questions right.

Zhu Yue put aside those things for the time being and kept immersing herself in the problem.

 For the first time, I found that I was really fast at completing the questions. I finished it before half the time.

 Check after finishing...

 You can’t hand in the paper even after the inspection.

Zhu Yue's heart was restless and she couldn't help but look up at the person in front of her.

She also found that Ye Qingfeng also had good habits. When sitting, he would not stagger or show other bad habits like other boys. Ye Qingfeng was sitting upright with his back straight, looking very energetic and elegant.

 It's really... very attractive.

 When the exam was over, Zhu Yue almost ran out of the classroom at an "escape" speed. She could not take a deep breath easily until she was far away from Ye Qingfeng outside.

Zhu Xing, who was next door, came out to go to the toilet and saw her. He said hello and heard Zhu Yue tell him in a surprised tone, "Ye Qingfeng and I are in the same examination room."

 “Yeah, that’s good luck.”

 “Also, he is still my front desk...”

"it's fate!"

Zhu Xing was very cooperative when replying, which made Zhu Yue feel happy in her heart.

However, as his biological brother, Zhu Xing couldn't help but tell her, "Sister, it's all about free love now, but we are all in the critical moment of our senior year in high school, so you can't be distracted by him."

"Okay, I understand this. Don't you still believe in your sister's ability? The things in your head will not escape so easily."

 “That’ll do.”

 The break is only twenty minutes, and there is the second exam next.

Zhuyue has prepared for the exam for a long time, but when the exam is approaching, she also wants to read a book to prepare for the exam. She was sketching with a pen, and suddenly she found that the pen in her hand could no longer write.

 When I turned the pen away and looked at it, I realized that there was no ink in it.

Zhu Yue looked at the front and back, and finally decided to ask the classmates behind for help.

“Classmate, can I borrow the extra pens you have?”

The classmate at the back table glanced at her and shook his head apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't bring too many pens."

"All right."

Zhu Yue looked at Ye Qingfeng's back and wanted to reach out and poke her.

Even though Ye Qingfeng didn't look back, he could feel a strong gaze falling on him from behind.

While Zhu Yue was hesitating, Ye Qingfeng turned around unexpectedly!

The two of them looked at each other, and Ye Qingfeng asked calmly: "Is something wrong?"

“Well, can I borrow the pens you have? I’ve run out of pens.”

Ye Qingfeng raised his hand and picked up a pen from the table and put it on Zhu Yue's table.

Zhu Yue thanked you repeatedly, "Thank you."

 Holding the pen in her hand, Zhu Yue's heart moved again.

Such a good person is not as alienated as others say, he is really gentle...

 (End of this chapter)

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