My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1584: Go pick up Bei Jiyue

Chapter 1584: Go pick up Bei Jiyue

 On the second day of the monthly exam, that is, after the last exam, Zhu Yue saw the girl with a unique temperament again.

 She still has long hair that hangs over her shoulders, but today she changed it to a more exquisite hairpin, which is simple and beautiful.

Zhu Yue saw the girl standing outside the examination room. Because the girl had her back to the door, Zhu Yue still couldn't see the girl clearly.

So Zhu Yue paid close attention to Ye Qingfeng when she handed in the test paper. Sure enough, she saw Ye Qingfeng walking out and standing with the girl after handing in the test paper.

Zhu Yue couldn't help but guess: Is that girl the one Ye Qingfeng likes? Is she already a secret girlfriend?

 Zhu Yue is a little worried.

 But she still followed without hesitation, holding her notebook and pen.

Because she was afraid of being discovered, Zhu Yue walked far behind them. She couldn't hear the voices of the two people and couldn't see their faces. She only knew that Ye Qingfeng and the girl looked harmonious when they walked together. .

There seems to be a unique feeling about that girl that makes people feel very comfortable just looking at her.

Who is that person?

 Zhu Yue once again missed the truth.

 The main reason is because I am too cowardly!

 After the exam, after grade teachers worked overtime to change the test papers, the results of each subject came out one after another, and the grade rankings gradually became clear.

Ye Qingfeng lived up to expectations and won the first place, followed closely by Ye Zhiruo.

Others in the school are extremely envious and say that twins have good genetics.

 As for the third place, Zhu Yue was actually on the list, which even she couldn't believe!

Zhu Yue's grades have been consistently in the top ten since her freshman year of high school, but she has never been in the top three. However, things started to change after she met Ye Qingfeng.

 She actually got third place!

Zhu Yue was extremely happy because she and Ye Qingfeng were one step closer.

 Winning third place for the first time, this feeling is really not too refreshing.

And every time the top three will get extra rewards...this time they get three pens of the same style.

Ye Qingfeng didn’t care about the color, but Ye Zhiruo generously gave the opportunity to Zhu Yue, “Classmate, you choose first.”

This time Zhu Yue has simply added ten points to Ye Zhiruo’s impression!

 Not only is the elder brother so outstanding, but also the twin sisters are so lovable.

 But as the third placer, she still had to be reserved, "I don't care if it's a nice thing, but you guys should take it first."

"It's okay." Ye Zhiruo shook his head with a smile.

Zhu Yue picked a black one...

 Because there were two black ones, she even expected the reward to be the same as Ye Qingfeng's reward.

"Then I'll take this, thank you." Zhu Yue held the black pen and waited for the choice of Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo.

If Ye Zhi takes the white one, naturally the remaining black one belongs to Ye Qingfeng.

 Wish you a little happiness in the moon.

 The three of them left the office together. It was already time for school to end in the afternoon.

They had evening self-study later, but Ye Qingfeng said he was leaving before he even returned to the classroom, "Ruoruo, I'll leave first."

 Ye Zhi nodded.

Zhu Yue asked doubtfully: "Aren't you going to have evening self-study soon?"

Ye Zhiruo smiled slightly and said, "Brother has already asked for leave from the teacher. He has something to do."

 After Ye Qingfeng left school, he went directly to another elementary school because he had to pick someone up from get out of class.

 Bei Jiyue is a loli who is in elementary school.

 (End of this chapter)

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