My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1586: Send you chocolate

Chapter 1586 I’ll give you chocolate

   "Paper papers are given out."

 “Yours, one hundred and three.”

 “Night breeze, one hundred and fifty.”

  While others looked at him with envy, he himself remained very calm.

 Performing different types of test questions every day, studying in the third year of high school is boring.

But the senior year of high school is very heavy with academic work, and even natural academic masters like Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo dare not slack off. Because they have been instilled in them by Ye Xichen since they were young: Never take anything lightly. Even if you do well in normal times, you must be careful not to let things slip at critical moments.

“Brother, I am one hundred and forty-five this time…”

Ye Zhiruo placed the math test paper in front of Ye Qingfeng, and she deducted two points for the last "proposition".

"Tsk." Ye Qingfeng picked up her paper and took a look. The idea of ​​the process was correct, but the final result was wrong. The grading teacher was extremely strict and deducted five points from her. It was also a reminder to her to pay attention in future exams. .

“Ruoruo, you have lost to me twice in a row.”

 “It only takes three, I will definitely win it back next time!”

“There are only two people in our grade who got full marks this time. One is Ye Qingfeng from our class, and the other is Zhu Yue, the monitor of the next class. They are quite impressive.”

“Oh~ Zhu Yue.” When Ye Zhiruo mentioned this name, she still had an impression. The girl who was in the top three with them before was called Zhu Yue.

Zhu Yue’s results have always been good, but she has almost never been in the top three. You must know that in people's memory thinking, the first place is to be firmly remembered. The first three are somewhat familiar, and the following places will be habitually ignored by people.

But this time Zhu Yue showed up in front of the two brothers Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo.

Moreover, Ye Zhiruo discovered that the frequency of encounters with Zhu Yue had increased a lot recently, and Ye Qingfeng was present every time.

According to usual experience, Ye Zhiruo quickly guessed the reason, but she did not say it.

As soon as she finished her morning self-study, Ye Zhiruo threw a thick book in front of Ye Qingfeng, "Brother, it's my duty today. I don't have time. This book belongs to Yu'er. Please help me bring it to her." ”


 Ye Qingfeng got up and went to deliver the book after getting it.

Zhu Yue happened to come out of the classroom and saw Ye Qingfeng. She was about to shout but found him turning down the stairs.

Zhu Yue happened to be going downstairs, so she followed him, but after going downstairs, Ye Qingfeng walked straight away, apparently looking for someone.

Zhu Yue was a little curious and followed her footsteps involuntarily. She saw Ye Qingfeng standing outside the classroom of the second grade of high school, and there was still a girl standing next to her.

He only saw the side profile, but Zhu Yue was very sure that the girl was the one she had seen a few times before, although her identity was still unknown.

 Who is it?

 She must see it today!

Zhu Yue stood there and deliberately covered herself up.

Ye Qingfeng returned the book to Nangong Yu, and Nangong Yu also handed him a box of chocolates, "Two days ago, my mommy started researching on making chocolates on a whim and got addicted to it. She even asked me to give it to you to try."

“Oh? Is your godmother very free recently?”

"Ha." Nangong Yu pursed his lips and smiled, "This is Mommy's latest interest. It is still in the excitement stage for the time being. I guess she will send it directly to your home."

 “Okay, I’ll take it back to them.”

Ye Qingfeng accepted it unceremoniously. In the eyes of others, this scene was like "the male **** accepted a gift from a girl"!

 Zhu Yue’s eyes widened!

 (End of this chapter)

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